Contents of the Configure Master Production Scheduling Settings Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Configure Master Production Scheduling Settings screen.


Field Description
User-Defined Forecast Label

Enter the label to be used for user-defined forecasts, which are non-sales forecasts. Unlike sales forecasts, user-defined forecasts cannot be consumed by sales orders; they must be adjusted manually.

If you leave this field blank, no non-sales forecasts can be entered for MPS schedules; all schedules generated from MPS are based on firm demand and sales forecasts, and the associated forecast fields are hidden on reports and screens.

MPS Display Horizon

Costpoint uses display horizon values to summarize time-phased supply and demand on the Manage Master Production Schedules screen (when the Schedule Display Option is MPS Default) and the Print Master Production Schedule Report.

For example, if you enter 26 weeks and 18 months, the schedule displays the first six months of supply and demand quantities in 26 weekly increments. The supply and demand quantities for the next 18 months display in monthly increments.

Field Description

Enter the number of weeks to display on the MPS schedule when showing both weeks and months.


Enter the number of months to display (after the number of specified weeks) on the MPS schedule when showing both weeks and months.

Total Weekly MPS Display Horizon

Enter the number of weeks to display on the MPS schedule when showing daily and weekly schedules. The Manage Master Production Schedules application uses this value to limit the amount of supply and demand data returned to the screen. Supply and demand information does not display beyond the number of weeks specified in this field.

MPS Time Fence Method

The MPS time fence is intended to limit modifications to the production schedule within a specified time. The MPS process uses the time fence to limit modifications or to warn users about modifications to planned orders that are needed within the time fence. MPS also flags reschedule action messages if the suggested due date falls within a part's MPS time fence.

From the drop-down list, specify the method Costpoint uses to determine the window in which an MPS schedule cannot be modified (calculated from the current date):

  • Use MPS Settings Value: You must use the corresponding MPS Planning Timing Fence (Days) option to specify the number of days for the time fence. This is the default.
  • Use Part Time Fence: You can specify, for each part, the MPS time fence on the Planning Details subtask of the Manage Parts screen.
  • Use Part Cumulative Lead Time: Costpoint uses the part's cumulative lead time as the part's MPS time fence. The cumulative time represents the number of days required to complete a part, including lead times for all purchased components and manufactured subassemblies. Define the quantity on the Planning Details subtask of the Manage Parts screen.
  • Use Part Lead Time: Costpoint uses the part's lead time as the part's MPS time fence. Component and subassembly lead times are not included. This number is calculated on the Manage Parts screen.
MPS Planning Timing Fence (Days)

If the MPS Time Fence Method setting is Use MPS Settings Value, enter the number of days to use as the global time fence for all MPS parts. The number of days represents either calendar days or shop days, depending on the value on the Configure Production Control Settings screen.

Default Planned Order Spread Method

The Manage Master Production Schedules application uses this setting to spread the quantity on one planned order into multiple planned orders. This allows you to smooth customer demand peaks and valleys for production scheduling purposes.

From the drop-down list, select a setting to specify whether new planned orders must be backscheduled or forward scheduled from the original planned order due date. You can override this setting on the Manage Master Production Schedules screen.

  • Backschedule: New planned orders are created with due dates before the selected planned order's due date. For example, spreading a planned order with a due date of 2/28/12 into four planned orders with a spread increment of Weekly creates new planned orders due 2/7/12, 2/14/12, and 2/21/12. This is the default.
  • Forward Schedule: New planned orders are created with due dates after the selected planned order's due date. For example, spreading a planned order with a due date of 2/28/12 into four planned orders with a spread increment of Weekly creates new planned orders due 3/7/12, 3/14/12, and 3/21/12.
Default Planned Order Spread Increment

From the drop-down list, select the increment Costpoint uses to backschedule or forward schedule new planned orders with the Planned Order Spread subtask of the Manage Master Production Schedules screen:

  • Daily: New planned orders are created in daily increments from the original planned order's due date. If a shop calendar is used, non-shop days are skipped.
  • Weekly: New planned orders are created in weekly increments from the original planned order's due date. If a shop calendar is used, and the calculated due date is not a shop day, it uses the next earlier (backschedule) or next later (forward schedule) shop day. This is the default.
  • Monthly: New planned orders are created in monthly increments from the original planned order's due date. If a shop calendar is used, and the calculated due date is not a shop day, it uses the next earlier (backschedule) or next later (forward schedule) shop day.

Forecast Consumption

Select options in this block to specify how Costpoint handles forecasts.

Field Description
Retain Forecast History

Select this check box to have Costpoint keep historical forecast data after the forecast is consumed, or after the forecast due date has passed.

Default SO Line Consume Forecast Flag

Select this check box to default the consume forecast option to Y on new inventory sales order lines. If a line is set to Y, the Sales Order application attempts to consume the appropriate open sales forecast quantity for that line.

Allow Change of Consume Forecast Flag on SO Line

Select this check box to allow users to override the consume forecast option default on sales order lines.

Allow Change of Consumed Forecast Qty in Enter Sales Orders

Select this check box to allow users to manually modify the forecast consumption quantity on the Manage Sales Orders screen.

Allow Change of Consumed Forecast Qty in Approve Sales Orders

Select this check box to allow users to manually modify the forecast consumption quantity on the Approve Sales Orders screen.

Warn if SO Qty Exceeds Open Forecast Qty

Select this check box to warn users on the Manage Sales Orders screen if a sales order line quantity exceeds the forecast, or if no forecast quantity can be found to consume.

Allow Change of Consumed Forecast Qty on SO line with Reservations

Select this check box to allow editing of previously consumed forecast quantities for SO line with reservations.

Default Consume Forecast by Period Method

Specify the time limit within which Costpoint matches sales order line quantity to the sales forecast that is consumed. (Refer to the Forecast Consumption topic for examples of how forecasts are consumed.) Costpoint attempts to consume an open sales forecast quantity that has the same requirement date as the sales order line's ship-by date. If an exact date match cannot be found, Costpoint evaluates other forecasts based on the ship-by date, as follows:

  • Limit by Ship-By Date Week: Only forecasts with a due date in the same week as the sales order line ship-by date are eligible to be consumed.
  • Limit by Ship-By Month: Only forecasts with a due date in the same month as the sales order line ship-by date are eligible to be consumed.
  • Don't Limit: Do not restrict forecast consumption by date. This is the default.

Consumption Preference

Select one of the options in this group box to determine the order in which Costpoint consumes open forecast quantities. Consumption of open forecast quantities is subject to the Default Consume Forecast by Period Method. Refer to the Forecast Consumption topic for examples of how forecasts are consumed.

Field Description
Consume Closest Forecast Demand to SO Line Ship-By Date

Select this option to have Costpoint consume the forecast quantity that is closest to the sales order line's ship-by date. This is the default.

Note: If two open sales forecast dates are equally close, the earlier forecast is consumed.
Consume Earliest Forecast Demand

Select this option to have Costpoint consume the earliest open forecast quantity.

Allow MRP Planned Orders to be Firmed in MPS Firm Orders Process

Select this check box to allow planned orders generated from the MRP process to be firmed with the Firm Master Production Schedule Planned Orders application in MPS.

Allow MPS Planned Orders to be Firmed in MRP Firm Orders Process

Select this check box to allow planned orders generated from the MPS process to be firmed with the Firm Material Requirements Planning Planned Orders application in MRP.