Labor Tab FAQs

This section contains the FAQs about the Labor tab.

Why do I need an ID type?

The ID type identifies whether the record is for an employee, vendor, or vendor employee. This information is required for the Load Labor Rates process. The Load Labor Rates process inserts the billing rates into this subtask. If the billing formula is a cost-based or manual billing, the employee, PLC, and timesheet information can be used on supporting schedules.

How are the billing rates determined?

The billing rates are determined according to the setup in the Project Labor menu in Costpoint Project Setup. A single PLC can be assigned many billing rates. The Manage Rate Sequence Orders screen prioritizes the billing rates that should be used for each project. The Load Labor Rates process uses the Manage Rate Sequence Orders table to locate the correct rate and then inserts that rate into the Labor tab on this screen.

Where are the GLCs used?

GLCs (General Labor Categories) are used only for informational purposes. A GLC is required for each employee in Costpoint. The GLC can be printed on the supporting schedules for billing purposes, but not on the billings themselves.

Where is the timesheet date used?

The timesheet date can be used on both the invoice and the supporting schedule. To include the timesheet date on your invoice, select the Show Timesheet Date check box on the Hours tab of the Manage Generic Billing Formats screen. To include the timesheet date on your supporting schedules, select the Timesheet Date check box on the Manage Supporting Schedule Formats screen.

How is the billing rate determined on foreign currency contracts?

If a project has been set up to produce invoices in a foreign currency, the labor rates are generally entered in that currency. If you do not want the billing rates to be adjusted for foreign currency fluctuations, assign a billing rate type of T (Transactional) to the PLC. You can assign the billing rates on the Link Project Labor Category Rates to Projects screen, the Manage Project Labor Categories (PLCs) screen, or the Link PLC Rates to Employee/Vendor screen. If you do want the rates to be adjusted for foreign currency fluctuations, use the B (Billing) rate type when you set up the PLC rates.