Item Vendor Line Layout (VND)

The Item Vendor (ITEM_VEND) table stores vendor information for the item being processed, including vendors from which the item can be obtained, as well as the preferred vendor.

The application cannot process Item Vendor Line Types unless the Item exists. You can process multiple lines per item, and the Item ID, Item Revision ID, and Vendor ID combination must be unique.

You can view or update the information stored in this table on the Assign Vendors to Items screen in Costpoint Product Definition.

Note: The application uses defaults for INSERTS ONLY if the input file field is not provided (blank). The exception is MODIFIED_BY, which is updated using the default if no value is provided.
Input File Field Costpoint Column Column Type and Max Length Starting/Ending Position Required Values, Defaults, and Notes
Line Type Character 3 1 - 3 Yes VND is used to indicate Item Vendor information.
Item ID ITEM_ID Character 30 4 - 33 Yes If the Item ID, Item Revision ID, and Vendor ID combination exists, the Item Vendor table is updated. If you did not select the Allow Multiple Revisions for Each Item check box on the Configure Product Definition Settings screen, the revision is not checked.

The fixed length file format accepts 30 characters while delimited file format accepts up to 50 characters.

Item Revision ID ITEM_RVSN_ ID Character 3 34 - 36 Yes (If revisions are used) If the Item ID, Item Revision ID, and Vendor ID combination exists, the Item Vendor table is updated. If you did not select the Allow Multiple Revisions for Each Item check box on the Configure Product Definition Settings screen, the revision is not checked. The default is a space.

The fixed length file format accepts 30 characters while delimited file format accepts up to 50 characters.

Vendor ID VEND_ID Character 12 37 - 48 Yes The value must exist in the Vendor table (on the Maintain Vendors screen in Costpoint Accounts Payable, Purchasing and/or Procurement Planning). Must exist for the user's Company ID.
Preferred Vendor Flag *PREF_VEND_ CD Character 1 49 No The value must be N (No), P (Preferred), or Y (Yes).  The default is Y.  Only one vendor per item can be P (Preferred).
Accepted Amount *ACCPT_AMT Decimal 14.2 (maximum input file length - 15) 50 - 64 No The default is 0. The input file format is 999999999999.99 (maximum 15 characters including the decimal point).  The maximum value is 999999999999.99. No embedded commas are allowed.
Accepted Quantity *ACCPT_QTY Decimal 14.4 (maximum input file length - 15) 65 - 79 No The default is 0. The input file format is 999999999999.99 (maximum 15 characters including the decimal point).  The maximum value is 999999999999.99. No embedded commas are allowed.
Average Days Early *AVG_DAYS_ EARLY_NO Integer 2 (maximum input file length - 4) 80 - 83 No The default is 0. The maximum value is 9999. No embedded decimals or commas are allowed.
Average Days Late *AVG_DAYS_ LATE_NO Integer 2 (maximum input file length - 4) 84 - 87 No The default is 0. The maximum value is 9999. No embedded decimals or commas are allowed.
Average Days Late From Original Due Date *AVG_DAYS_ ORIG_NO Integer 2 (maximum input file length - 4) 88 - 91 No The default is 0. The maximum value is 9999. No embedded decimals or commas are allowed.
Average Delivery Days *AVG_DEL_ DAYS_NO Integer 4 (maximum input file length - 4) 92 - 95 No The default is 0. The maximum value is 9999. No embedded decimals or commas are allowed.
Average PO Unit Cost *AVG_PO_ UNT_CST_ AMT Decimal 14.4 (maximum input file length - 15) 96 - 110 No The default is 0. The input file format is 999999999999.99 (maximum 15 characters including the decimal point).  The maximum value is 999999999999.99. No embedded commas are allowed.
Calculated End Date *CALC_END_ DT Date (maximum input file length - 10) 111 - 120 No The value must be valid date format YYYY-MM-DD. The default is null.
Calculated Start Date *CALC_START_ DT Date (maximum input file length - 10) 121 - 130 No The value must be valid date format YYYY-MM-DD. The default is null.
Number of Early Receipts *EARLY_ RECPTS_NO Integer 4 (maximum input file length - 4) 131 - 134 No The default is 0.The maximum value is 9999. No embedded decimals or commas are allowed.
Early Received Amount *EARLY_ RECV_ AMT Decimal 14.2 (maximum input file length - 15) 135 - 149 No The default is 0. The input file format is 999999999999.99 (maximum 15 characters including the decimal point).  The maximum value is 999999999999.99. No embedded commas are allowed.
Early Received Quantity *EARLY_RECV_ QTY Decimal 14.4 (maximum input file length - 15) 150 - 164 No The default is 0. The input file format is 999999999999.99 (maximum 15 characters including the decimal point).  The maximum value is 999999999999.99. No embedded commas are allowed.
Last Purchase Order Date *LAST_PO_DT Date (maximum input file length - 10) 165 - 174 No The value must be valid date format YYYY-MM-DD. The default is null.
Last Purchase Order ID *LAST_PO_ID Character 10 175 - 184 No The default is a space.
Last Quote Date *LAST_QT_DT Date (maximum input file length - 10) 185 - 194 No The value must be valid date format YYYY-MM-DD. The default is null.
Last Quote ID *LAST_QT_ID Character 10 195 - 204 No The default is a space.
Number of Late Receipts from Original Date *LATE_RCPTS_ ORIG_NO Integer 4 (maximum input file length - 4) 205 - 208 No The default is 0.The maximum value is 9999. No embedded decimals or commas are allowed.
Number of Late Receipts *LATE_ RECPTS_ NO Integer 4 (maximum input file length - 4) 209 - 212 No The default is 0.The maximum value is 9999. No embedded decimals or commas are allowed.
Late Receipts Amount *LATE_RECV_ AMT Decimal 14.2 (maximum input file length - 15) 213 - 227 No The default is 0. The input file format is 999999999999.99 (maximum 15 characters including the decimal point).  The maximum value is 999999999999.99. No embedded commas are allowed.
Late Receipts Original Amount *LATE_RECV_ ORIG_AMT Decimal 14.2 (maximum input file length - 15) 228 - 242 No The default is 0. The input file format is 999999999999.99 (maximum 15 characters including the decimal point).  The maximum value is 999999999999.99. No embedded commas are allowed.
Late Receipts Original Quantity *LATE_RECV_ ORIG_QTY Decimal 14.4 (maximum input file length - 15) 243 - 257 No The default is 0. The input file format is 999999999999.99 (maximum 15 characters including the decimal point).  The maximum value is 999999999999.99. No embedded commas are allowed.
Late Receipts Quantity *LATE_RECV_ QTY Decimal 14.4 (maximum input file length - 15) 258 - 272 No The default is 0. The input file format is 999999999999.99 (maximum 15 characters including the decimal point).  The maximum value is 999999999999.99. No embedded commas are allowed.
Number of Receipt Lines *RECPT_LN_ NO Integer 4 (maximum input file length - 4) 273 - 276 No The default is 0.The maximum value is 9999. No embedded decimals or commas are allowed.
Received Amount *RECV_AMT Decimal 14.2 (maximum input file length - 15) 277 - 291 No The default is 0. The input file format is 999999999999.99 (maximum 15 characters including the decimal point).  The maximum value is 999999999999.99. No embedded commas are allowed.
Received Quantity *RECV_QTY Decimal 14.4 (maximum input file length - 15) 292 - 306 No The default is 0. The input file format is 999999999999.99 (maximum 15 characters including the decimal point).  The maximum value is 999999999999.99. No embedded commas are allowed.
Rejected Amount *REJ_AMT Decimal 14.2 (Maximum input file length - 15) 307 - 321 No The default is 0. The input file format is 999999999999.99 (maximum 15 characters including the decimal point).  The maximum value is 999999999999.99. No embedded commas are allowed.
Rejected Quantity *REJ_QTY Decimal 14.4 (maximum input file length - 15) 322 - 336 No The default is 0. The input file format is 999999999999.99 (maximum 15 characters including the decimal point).  The maximum value is 999999999999.99. No embedded commas are allowed.
User ID last modified by *MODIFIED_ BY Character 18 337 - 354 No The default is UPLOAD. If not provided, the MODIFIED_BY column is updated using the current user ID as the default.

* Indicates columns that may be updated by this preprocessor.