Contents of the Manage Standard Text Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Standard Text screen.


Field Description
Standard Text Code

Enter a standard text code. Costpoint uses this code to identify and reference the text throughout the Materials applications.


This field displays the system-assigned revision of the standard text code. For new standard text code, the system-assigned code is zero (0). For new revision of the same standard text code, the system assigns the highest existing revision number for the text code +1.


Enter a standard text code description, briefly identifying the text code that has been established.

The contents of this field do not print on documents. They display in code selection lists, to help you locate and select the code you want.

Standard Text Details

Field Description

This check box is selected by default for new rows, but you can modify it. If selected, this check box indicates that the standard text is active and can be used in new transactions.

Inactivate Other Revisions

Select this check box to inactivate all previously saved revisions of the standard text. You can modify this check box for new records only.

Standard Text

Enter the text to associate with this text code.

Document Print Options

Use this group box to select the type of documents where this text is to print. The system-defined selections are as follows:

Field Description

Select this option to print text on both internal and external documents. This option is the system default.


Select this option to print text on documents that are viewed only by those internal to the company, such as a receipt traveler report.


Select this option to print text on documents, such as a purchase order, that are seen by those outside the company.


Subtask Description
Where-Used Click this link to open the Where-Used subtask, where you select the objects and documents for which the standard text is available.