Deductions Subtask

Use the Deductions subtask to set up deductions for the union/local/GLC combination.

As soon as you enter the deduction code, the default values from the Manage Deductions screen populate the fields. The fields can remain as the defaults, or you can change them.

Table Window

Field Description

Enter, or use to select, the deduction code you want to use for this union profile. The deduction code selected here must already be entered on the Manage Deductions screen.

Deduction Name

The deduction description defaults into this field when you enter the Deduction code.


The deduction method selected in the Method field on the Manage Deductions screen defaults in when you enter the Deduction code. Use this drop-down list to select the calculation to be used for this deduction code, if you want to change it from the default method. Select one of the following options:

  • ADDGRP (Add-to-Gross): Choose this for add-to-gross methods that are calculated as a percentage of regular hours paid.
  • ADDGRS (Add-to-Gross): Choose this for add-to-gross methods that are calculated as a percent of earnings instead of a fixed amount.
  • FIXAMT (Fixed Amount): The amount shown in the Rate/Amount field in this screen is the amount deducted.
  • GRSHRD (Gross Hours Double): Per hour amount applied to hours with "all" overtime at double.
  • GRSHRP (Gross Hours Paid): Per hour amount applied to hours paid.
  • GRSHRR (Gross Hours Rounded): Per hour amount applied to hours paid with "all" overtime at double, rounded to the whole hour.
  • GRSHRW (Gross Hours Worked): Per hour amount applied to hours worked.
  • NO DED (No Deduction): This method "turns off" a deduction. Use it when you need to temporarily disable a deduction for all employees using it.
  • PCTGRS (Percent of Gross): Percentage applied against gross pay.
  • PCTREG (Percent of Regular): Percentage applied to straight time pay.

When you enter the Deduction code, the rate/amount defaults from the Payroll Deductions and Contributions screen. If the Method selected is ADDGRS, PCTGRS, or PCTREG, the percentage defaults from the Rate % field on the Payroll Deductions and Contributions screen. If any other method is selected, the amount defaults from the Amount field on the Manage Deductions screen. However, you can change this field, if necessary.


The priority number on the Manage Deductions screen displays when you enter the Deduction code. This field can be changed.

Pay Period Ceiling Amount

Enter the per pay period ceiling amount to be used for this fringe code.

Deduction Ceiling Amount

The Ceiling Amount on the Manage Deductions screen defaults in when you enter the Deduction code. However, you can change this optional field.