Contents of the Copy Proposal Bills of Material Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Copy Proposal Bills of Material screen.


Use the fields in this block to create a new parameter ID or to retrieve a previously saved parameter ID. A parameter ID represents a set of screen selection parameters. After you have saved a parameter ID and its related parameters, you can retrieve them using Query.

You can use the retrieved parameters to produce reports and run processes more efficiently and with greater consistency. The saved parameters are also useful and necessary when you want to run the process as part of a batch job. Many users save a unique set of parameters for each different way they run a report or process. When you select a previously saved parameter ID or parameter description, the associated saved screen selection parameters automatically display as selection defaults. The page setup and print options, if there are any, are also included in the saved parameter ID. You can change any of the associated selection defaults as necessary.

Field Description
Parameter ID

Enter, or click to select, a parameter ID of up to 15 alphanumeric characters. Choose characters for your parameter ID that help identify the type of selections you made on the screen, such as PERIOD or QUARTERLY.

When you save your record, all the selections made on the screen are stored with the parameter ID. Later, you can retrieve the parameter using Query.

You can use the parameter to run the process more efficiently because you can select the parameter ID with its previously defined screen selections. After the default selections display on the screen, you can override the defaults.


Enter, or click to select, a parameter description of up to 30 alphanumeric characters.


Field Description
BOM Source

Select one option from this drop-down list to indicate the type of BOM that is being copied. The BOM rows that are validated or "exploded," then copied, also depend on the levels selected in the BOM Levels drop-down list. When you copy MBOM or EBOM lines, both unreleased and released components are copied. The values in the BOM Source drop-down list are:

  • Engineering BOM — Select this option to explode the source EBOM according to the number of levels specified in the BOM Levels drop-down list. The exploded EBOM rows are then available for copying to the To Assembly group box. When you select this option, the fields in the From Assembly Proposal, Rev fields are cleared and disabled.
  • Manufacturing BOM — Select this option to explode the source MBOM according to the number of levels specified in the BOM Levels drop-down list. The exploded MBOM header and line rows are then available for copying to the To Assembly group box. When you select this option, the fields in the From Assembly Proposal, Rev fields are cleared and disabled.
  • Proposal BOM — Select this option to explode the source PBOM according to the number of levels specified in the BOM Levels drop-down list. The exploded PBOM rows are then available for copying to the To Assembly group box.
  • Proposal (All PBOMs) — Select this option to disable the fields Part and Rev in both the From Assembly and To Assembly group boxes. If the following conditions are met, each end item/revision is exploded:
    • The end item/revision exists in a PBOM.
    • The end item/revision exists as an assembly part in a PBOM.
    • The end item/revision exists in a proposal line row for both the From and To proposal/revision.

    However, if you selected the Freeze PBOMs check box on the Manage Proposals screen for the To Assembly Proposal record, the PBOM is not copied.

BOM Levels

Select the type of level from the drop-down list that the copy function will duplicate. The options are:

  • Single Level — Select this option to copy only the first-level components of this assembly.
  • All Levels — Select this option to copy the entire assembly BOM through all applicable subassembly levels.
  • Specify Levels — Select this option to copy the BOM through a specified number of levels, as entered in the unlabeled field on the right.
Part Lookup Type

Select the type of lookup for the part. The options are:

  • Standard
  • Provisional
  • All

From Assembly

Field Description
Proposal, Rev

Enter, or click to select, the proposal ID (and revision, if applicable) of which PBOMs will be copied from. This field must be populated if you select the Proposal BOM or Proposal (All PBOMs) options. PBOM information must exist for the selected proposal in order for it to be successfully copied to the target PBOM. The proposal description displays in the field on the right.

Part, Rev

Enter, or click, to select, the standard or provisional part ID of the assembly or parent part from which the BOM is to be copied. If applicable, the part revision number displays in the Rev field and can be modified if multiple revisions are being used. If the source BOM is an MBOM, you cannot enter a provisional part/revision in these fields. If the Proposal (All PBOMs) option is selected as the BOM source, these fields are cleared and disabled. The description of the part/provisional part displays in the field to the right.

Configuration Options

Use the options in this group box to customize bills of material for a given parent part by specifying configuration options and effective dates in the From Assembly group box. You can copy a specific configuration of a BOM, or the BOM as of a certain date, or all configurations/effective dates for a given parent assembly. You can assign serial number ranges to a part's configuration and as-of date information on the Manage End Item Configurations screen.

Field Description
All Configurations

Select this check box to copy all configurations of the From Assembly Part BOM. If this check box is selected, the As-of Date and Configuration fields will be disabled.

As-of Date

Enter, or click to select, an as-of component effectivity date. This field is enabled and required when copying an EBOM or an MBOM. The process uses this date to determine which components to copy. This field can be modified so that the system copies only those component lines for the BOM in the From Assembly that are currently in effect for the supplied As Of Date, where the effective start date is earlier than or the same as the As Of Date, and the effective end date is blank or later than the As Of Date.


This field is enabled (and optional) when copying an EBOM or an MBOM, and the Use Configuration IDs check box must be selected in the BOM Corporate Settings block of the Configure Bills of Material Settings screen. Enter, or click to select, the ID of the configuration in which the system searches for component lines for that parent assembly, and copy the component line with the selected configuration ID.

To Assembly

Field Description
Proposal, Rev

Enter, or click to select, the proposal ID/revision of which the source BOM will be copied to. This field must be populated for any BOM source. PBOM information must exist for the selected source (From Assembly) proposal in order for it to be successfully copied to the target PBOM. The proposal description displays in the field to the right.

Part, Rev

Enter, click to select, the standard or provisional part ID of the assembly or parent part of which the BOM is being copied to. If the Proposal (All PBOMs) option is selected as the BOM source, these fields are cleared and disabled. The description of the part/provisional part displays in the field to the right.

PBOM Status

Select the status PBOM status from the drop-down list. The valid options are:

  • Firmed — Select this option when the PBOM is complete and may be used for pricing purposes.
  • Unfirmed — Select this option when the PBOM is not complete and may have ongoing modifications with regard to component part and pricing information.

Enter the work breakdown structure (WBS) to be assigned to PBOM components.

Copy Components

Use the fields in this group box to narrow down which components are copied to the PBOM. Select the appropriate check boxes in this group box to indicate which component parts should be included in the copying process.

Any component line with a component type of D (Deleted) is not copied, and parts that are not copied are not included on the Print Indented Bills of Material Report.

Field Description
Reference Parts

Select this check box to include all applicable component parts (and subassemblies) in the copying process that have a Comp Type (component type) field of R (Reference) in the source BOM.

Tooling Parts

Select this check box to include all applicable component parts (and subassemblies) in the copying process that have a Comp Type (component type) of T (Tooling) in the source BOM.

As-Required Parts

Select this check box to include all applicable component parts (and subassemblies) in the copying process that have a Qty Type (quantity type) of R (As-Required) in the source BOM.

Omit Requirement Parts

Select this check box to include all applicable component parts (and subassemblies) in the copying process that have an Omit Requirements of Y (Yes) in the source BOM.

  • For MBOM components, the Omit Requirements setting is a check box in the table window of the Manage Manufacturing Bills of Material and Release Manufacturing Bills of Material screens.
  • For EBOM components, the Omit Requirements setting is a check box on the component line found in the table window found on the Manage Engineering Bills of Material and Release Engineering Bills of Material screens.
  • For PBOM components, the Omit Requirements setting is a check box on the component line in the table window found on the Manage Proposal Bills of Material screen.
Stop Explosion Components

Select this check box to include all applicable component parts in the copying process that have a Stop Explosion flag of Y (Yes) in the source BOM. If this check box is clear, only a subassembly with a Stop Explosion flag of Y is copied, but not its components.

  • For MBOM components, the Stop Explosion setting is a check box in the components line of the table window of the Manage Manufacturing Bills of Material and Release Manufacturing Bills of Material screens.
  • For EBOM components, the Stop Explosion setting is a check box on the component line on the Manage Engineering Bills of Material and Release Engineering Bills of Material screens.
  • For PBOM components, the Stop Explosion setting is a check box on the component line on the Manage Proposal Bills of Material screen.

Copy Proposal Costs

These check boxes are available only when you are copying information from one PBOM to another. If you select one of these check boxes, and cost information exists for a matching top-level assembly or component part and make/buy code combination (for the proposal item), the proposal item detail and cost information for the existing matching row are replaced if the Replace Existing PBOMs and Cost Data check box is selected. If a matching row does not exist, the proposal item detail and cost information are inserted in the Proposal found in the To Assembly group box.


When you first access this screen, all check boxes in this group box are selected.

Field Description
Costs for Always Quote Parts

Select this check box to copy costs for all standard and provisional parts for which the Always Quote check box is selected in the Planning subtask of the Manage Parts screen for standard parts, or the Manage Provisional Parts screen for provisional parts.

Costs for Other Parts

Select this check box to copy component cost data from the From Assembly Proposal for parts for which the Always Quote check box is not selected. When you select the Costs for Other Parts check box, costs for all other items associated with the From Assembly are copied into the To Assembly.

Copy Notes

Use this group box to select whether or not the notes for the source BOM should be copied into the new PBOM.


When you first access the Copy Proposal Bills of Material screen, all check boxes in this group box are selected.

Field Description
Assembly Notes

Select this check box to include the source BOM assembly notes in the new PBOM.

Component Notes

Select this check box to include the source component comments/notes in the new PBOM.

Replace Existing PBOMs and Cost Data

Select this check box to overwrite any To PBOM and cost information that may already exist in the To proposal. If you select this check box and the To PBOM already exists, the To PBOM's header and rows are deleted, and the From PBOM information is used to create new rows.

If you clear this check box and the To PBOM header already exists, the To PBOM's header is not modified.

If the From PBOM line number already exists in the To PBOM, that To PBOM line is not modified, and the From PBOM line is not copied. Only the From BOM lines that do not have a matching component line number are copied. You can still copy lines to the PBOM if a PBOM header match exists or if other PBOM lines match.

For non-top level assemblies being copied, a header match occurs when the From BOM's assembly part matches the assembly part of an existing PBOM header in the To proposal/revision. A line match occurs for BOM lines if the selected From BOM assembly part and component line number match the To PBOM assembly part and component line number.


Subtask Description
Select End Item Configuration Click this link to open the Select End Item Configuration subtask.