Non-Inv POs Subtask

Use this subtask to view the orders for the selected part that are not associated with any inventory abbreviation.


Field Description

This field displays the ID of the part in the selected inventory record.


This column displays the revision number for the inventory record part.


This field displays the default or inventory unit of measure for the selected part.


This field displays the part description.


This field displays the project ID associated with the inventory record.

Project Name

This field displays the project name.

Table Window

Field Description
Due Date

This field displays the date on which the vendor is committed to supplying the parts for the order.


This field displays the purchase order ID for the selected order.

Line Status

This field displays the status of the purchase order line, either Open or Pending.


This field displays the release number of the order.


This field displays the order type (standard or blanket release).


This field displays the purchase order line number.

Open Quantity

This field displays the open quantity for the selected order line. Costpoint calculates the Open Quantity as follows: the Order Quantity minus the sum of the Received Quantity plus the Reject/Replace Quantity.

Order Quantity

This field displays the quantity ordered for the selected order line in the purchase order line unit of measure.

Received Quantity

This field displays the quantity received for the selected order line in the purchase order line unit of measure.

Accepted Quantity

This field displays the quantity accepted for the selected order line in the purchase order line unit of measure.

Reject/Replace Quantity

This field displays the quantity rejected for replacement from the vendor for the selected order line in the purchase order line unit of measure.

Desired Date

This field displays the desired delivery date for the parts ordered.


This field displays the warehouse ID for the selected order line.


This field displays the vendor for the selected purchase order.


This field displays the buyer for the selected purchase order.


This field displays the expediting notes associated with the selected purchase order.

Delivery Schedule Flag

If selected, this check box indicates that there are multiple delivery schedules that exist for the PO line. This check box is cleared and disabled for new lines.


Subtask Description
Delivery Schedule Click this link to open the Delivery Schedule subtask to view and enter the multiple delivery dates of the purchase order for the selected inventory record part.