Review Existing Requirements

After you generate requisitions, manufacturing orders, and/or reservations for a list of end parts, save the run parameters to check the status of a given production job.

When checking the status, select the Review Existing option in the Requirements group box and enter the date the last time the process was run for this particular job in the Last Planned Date field. This option assumes that the end parts listed do not constitute new requirements and that they have been reserved using a sales order or a standard inventory reservation before this process is run. If the end part As of Date(s) are updated to the current date, the system will identify, in the Indented BOM Explosion report, any BOM modifications that occurred between the last plan date and the current date (except when a BOM line is physically deleted from the table).

If you select the Review Existing option, the system can also generate requisitions and/or manufacturing orders when it determines that there is a shortage (negative net availability). If BOM modifications occur after manufacturing orders have been generated, manually update the appropriate manufacturing order's requirements to reflect the BOM modifications before generating any additional manufacturing orders and/or requisitions. Updating the requirements will adjust the inventory reserved quantity and net available quantities for the component; the system will alert you when shortages exist and create a requisition or manufacturing order to correct the shortage.