Apply PO Info to Purchase Requisitions by Line

Buyers and other purchasing personnel can use this screen to provide the additional information required for processing requisition lines into purchase order lines.

Buyers can also reject requisitions on the Hdr Approvals or Line Approvals subtasks. You can modify information previously assigned to the requisition or requisition lines on this screen, and you can link requisition lines to request for quotes (RFQs) and quotes obtained for the specified requisitioned item.

Select the requisition lines to processed on this screen by buyer or approval status. Use to select and sort requisition lines by item, description, or commodity code. Most of the fields on the Manage Purchase Requisitions screen are also on this screen. You cannot add or delete requisition lines on this screen, but you can process them as they exist on the Manage Purchase Requisitions screen.

Purchasing personnel can use this screen to modify a requisition line.

After you select a Buyer and make selection in the Select Status group box, click on the toolbar to process your preferences and display the results in the table window.