Update Cash Basis Information

Use this screen to update the Cash Basis Information subtask of the Manage Open Billing Detail screen.

You designate a project for Cash Basis Billing by selecting the Bill Cost Incurred on Cash Basis check box on the Setup Information tab of the Manage Project Billing Information screen. You enter the accounts, which are subject to cash basis billing for a given project, on the Cash Basis subtask of the Manage Project Billing Information screen. You can also enter cash basis accounts on a company-wide basis on the Manage Billing Accounts screen. Transactions that have charged to those project/account combinations via accounts payable are not billed until they have been paid. By running this process, you update the Cash Basis Information subtask of the Manage Open Billing Detail screen with check information from the Check History file (VEND_CHK_VCHR). The Calculate Standard Bills screen uses the information in this subtask to determine what can be billed.

You can run this process after printing checks and accepting them for the period for which you are going to bill. Note that you do not need to post cash disbursements before you run this process. Run it before you calculate billings to ensure that only those transactions that have been paid are billed. If you neglect to run this process, all accounts payable transactions are treated as unpaid.

For more information about cash basis billing, see the "Create a Cash Basis Billing" topic.