Contents of the Manage Functional Roles Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Functional Roles screen.

Table Window

System-defined functional roles automatically display when you first open this screen. You can also add new roles by clicking New.

Field Description
Role Code

Enter a role code.

There are several Costpoint-defined functional role codes that display automatically in this field. You cannot modify or delete these system codes.

For user-defined codes, you will not be able to delete a code that has the T&E, Contracts, and/or Subcontractors check box selected even if that code has not yet been used in any Costpoint application.

Description Enter a description for new role codes. For existing codes, you can modify this field for both user- and system-defined role codes.

If your version of Time & Expense is co-deployed with Costpoint, select this check box to make this role code available for use in applications in the Time & Expense domain. Any roles with this check box selected will be displayed on the Functional Roles screen in Time & Expense.

If you are using stand-alone Time & Expense deployments, this check box will not affect any of your settings in Functional Roles.

Contracts Select this check box to make this role code available for use on screens in the CRM & Contracts domain.
Subcontractors Select this check box to make this role code available for use on screens in the Subcontractor Management module in the Projects domain.
Source This field displays System (system-defined code) or User (user-defined code). You cannot modify this field.
Note: If you clear a check box for a role that has already been used in a record, that role may no longer display on the respective Roles screen or may be visible but disabled, but the record where it was used will not be affected. For example, if you clear the Contracts check box for a role that was used in Manage Opportunities, that role will display on the Manage Contract Management Roles screen, but no check boxes will be selected on the Manage Contract Management Roles screen and the opportunity record will not be affected.