Manage Functional Roles

Use this screen to establish, manage, and track functional roles used in different areas in Costpoint.

There are system-defined functional roles that automatically display on this central location, but you can also add new roles. You can specify if these roles can be used in any or all of the following areas by selecting their corresponding check boxes:

  • Time & Expense domain
  • CRM & Contracts domain
  • Subcontractor Management module in the Projects domain

When you upgrade to Costpoint 8.1, all your existing roles in Contracts, Subcontractor Management, and Time & Expense (T&E) will be copied into the Manage Functional Roles screen, unless your T&E system is not co-deployed. This way, all roles you are currently using will continue to be available for your use. If you have a separate T&E instance, you will continue to add roles in T&E as you do currently. Roles in Contracts and Subcontract Management will be copied into Manage Functional Roles regardless of your T&E deployment.

If your version of T&E is co-deployed with Costpoint, all functional roles with the T&E check box selected on this screen will be available on the Functional Roles (ADMFUNCTIONALROLE) screen in T&E. The Functional Role Code and Description fields in Functional Roles (ADMFUNCTIONALROLE) will be read-only, and you will also not be able to delete or add records. All the other settings in Functional Roles, however, will still be editable.

Note: If you are using stand-alone T&E deployments, the T&E check box setting in Manage Functional Roles will not have an effect on the Functional Roles screen in Time & Expense.

For CRM & Contracts, roles with the Contracts check box selected on this screen will load in the Manage Contract Management Roles application. You cannot delete, add, or edit these roles in Manage Contract Management Roles, but you can mark roles as applicable to employees, customers, competitors, contacts, and/or subcontractors. Only roles that display in Manage Contract Management Roles can be used within the CRM & Contracts domain.

Roles with the Subcontractors check box selected in Manage Functional Roles display on the Manage Work Assignment Roles screen. You cannot delete, add, or edit records on that screen. Only roles that load in Manage Work Assignment Roles will be available for use within the Subcontractor Management module in the Projects domain.

All roles in Manage Functional Roles are available for use on the Manage Project Roles screen.


You cannot delete system-defined codes. For user-added codes, you will not be able to delete a code that has the T&E, Contracts, and/or Subcontractors check box selected even if that code has not yet been used in any Costpoint application.

If you clear a Costpoint area check box for a role that has already been used in a record, that role may no longer display on the respective Roles screen or be disabled and will not be available for use on new records, but the record where it was applied will not be affected. For example, if you clear the Contracts check box for a role that was used in Manage Opportunities, that role will no longer display in Manage Contract Management Roles, but the opportunity record will not be affected.

Attention: For more information on how to set up, manage, and track functional roles used in various areas in Costpoint, view the following guide:

Managing Roles in Costpoint Clickguide

Attention: The old database tables used to store role information in different Costpoint 8.0 applications still exist, but the creation and maintenance of the actual role code and description is now done via the new ROLE table in Costpoint 8.1. For information on the mapping, refer to the following document: Deltek Costpoint 8.0 to 8.1 Result Set Changes.