Telephone Numbers Tab

Use this tab to record the telephone and fax numbers of the administrative officer and your contractor representative. This data is used for informational purposes and for EDI transmissions.

Allow Edit

These checkboxes are displayed at all levels of a project and control the ability to modify the selection of certain key information about the project. During setup of a project, information that is entered cascades down to lower levels and defaults in automatically, regardless of the value of the Allow Edit checkbox. The checkbox simply determines whether the default can be modified at the lower levels.

If you clear the Allow Edit checkbox at any level of a project, all lower-level Allow Edit checkboxes are cleared accordingly. (This means that the ability to restrict edits of data cascades down automatically from the level at which it was originally restricted.) However, if you select a checkbox after having previously cleared it, the modification does not cascade down to lower levels. You must modify them one at a time.

Administrative Contracting Officer

Field Description

Use this field to record the telephone number of the project's administrative contracting officer. You can use parentheses, hyphens, and spaces. This information is removed when the data is exported for the EDI file.


Use this field to record the fax number of the project's administrative contracting officer. You can use parentheses, hyphens, and spaces. This information is removed when the data is exported for the EDI file.

Email Address

Use this field to record the fax email address of the project's administrative contracting officer. This information is removed when the data is exported for the EDI file.

Contractor Representative

Field Description

Use this field to record the telephone number of your company's contractor representative. You can use parentheses, hyphens, and spaces. This information is removed when the data is exported for the EDI file.


Use this field to record the fax number of your company's contractor representative. You can use parentheses, hyphens, and spaces. This information is removed when the data is exported for the EDI file.

Email Address

Use this field to record the fax email address of your company's contractor representative. This information is removed when the data is exported for the EDI file.