Subcontract PO Status Update Header Input File

Column(s) Error Message Error Condition
Update Header At least one Update Line Input record must be entered for each Header Input record. No row exists in input file with Record Type = L for matching PO_ID/Status Update ID/Warehouse combination.
Status Update ID Status Update ID is required. It is not supplied in the input file and the system is unable to auto-assign it. If no value is in the input file and the system is not set up for Auto-Assign for PO Receipt transaction for the corresponding warehouse. This is the WHSE/WHSE_LAST_TRANS for your company if you are using Inventory. If you are not using Inventory, this is the RECV_SETTINGS.LAST_RECPT_ID for your company.
Warehouse This is not a valid warehouse ID. Not null, and Warehouse does not exist (WHSE for your company).
Employee This XXX does not exist or is inactive. Invalid or inactive Employee (EMPL for your company).
PO ID This is not a valid subcontract PO. PO ID does not exist in PO_HDR, or it exists but PO Type is not S (PO_HDR for your company).
PO ID This PO header row occurs multiple times for the same PO in the input file. Input file has multiple rows with same PO_ID.
PO ID Status updates cannot be made to subcontract POs with a header status of "V" (Void) or "P" (Pending). PO Header Status is V (Void) or P (Pending) (PO_HDR for your company).
PO ID This subcontract PO has a status of Closed. Subcontract PO Header Status is C (Closed) (PO_HDR for your company).
PO ID Warning: This subcontract PO has a status of System Closed. Subcontract PO Header Status is S (System closed) (PO_HDR for your company).
Progress Payment Request The maximum Progress Payment Request number of 999 has already been used for this subcontract PO. The system is unable to automatically default in the next draw request number. Not in input file, and a row already exists in RECPT_HDR (for your company) with the maximum DRAW_RQST_NO = 999 for matching PO_ID (for your company).
Subcontract PO voucher has been created against this Status Update ID and/or Progress Payment Request Number for this Subcontract PO. No modifications are allowed. Subcontract PO voucher has already been created for a status update matching the input file combination of PO ID, Status Update ID, and/or Progress Payment Request Number [RECPT_HDR.VCHR_KEY is not null for RECPT_HDR row with matching {(PO_ID) + (RECPT_ID and/or DRAW_RQST_ID)}, for your company].
Warning: A Subcontract PO Status Update already exists with this Status Update ID and/or Progress Payment Request Number for this Subcontract PO, but a voucher has not yet been created against it. Existing status update values will be replaced upon processing. Subcontract PO voucher has NOT been created for a status update matching the input file combination of PO ID, Status Update ID, and/or Progress Payment Request Number [RECPT_HDR.VCHR_KEY is not null for RECPT_HDR row with matching {(PO_ID) + (RECPT_ID and/or DRAW_RQST_ID)}, for your company].
All existing status update transactions for this subcontract PO must be vouchered before a new one can be created. If there is no status update record for the input file combination of PO ID, Status Update ID, and/or Progress Payment Request Number, and there are Subcontract PO Status Updates (for matching PO) that have NOT been vouchered [Input file combination of {(PO_ID) + (RECPT_ID and/or DRAW_RQST_ID)}, does not exist in RECPT_HDR, and RECPT_HDR.VCHR_KEY is NULL for any RECPT_HDR row with matching PO_ID (for your company)].
Status Update ID This Receipt ID already exists for a different PO/Progress Payment combination. If the input file has a PO/Status Update ID/Progress Payment Request Number combination, and a row already exists in RECPT_HDR (for your company) with RECPT_ID equal to Status Update ID in input file, but for different PO_ID/DRAW_RQST_NO.