Print Billing Worksheet

Use this screen to print the Billing Worksheet, which provides details on how the bill was computed for a range of projects and shows you the costs that have been previously billed as well as the remaining costs to be billed.

The Billing Worksheet can assist you in determining whether the bill includes all charges, burden amounts are correct, and any fees, retainage amounts, and other billing values are computed correctly. You can print it at the summary or detail levels of the project, which can help you check for incorrect billing format mappings that often result in an Other line. Use the worksheet in reconciling the billed and unbilled amounts before finalizing and posting the invoice.

The billing worksheet compares the inception-to-date (ITD) billed amounts to the ITD cost incurred at actual or target rates. You must compute burden and revenue in the same period you are printing the billing worksheet to get your ITD cost incurred amounts.

You can print the report for unposted and posted invoices:

  • Unposted invoices: Print the worksheet after you have computed the standard bill but before posting the bill.
  • Posted invoices: Print the worksheet after posting the standard bill.

Standard bills that can be included are:

  • ST: Nonconsolidated standard bill
  • CR: Consolidated standard/retroactive bill
  • VS: Reversing standard bill
  • VC: Reversing consolidated standard/retroactive bill
Note: RT (nonconsolidated retroactive bill) and VR (reversing retroactive bill) bills are not included in the report. You can use the Print Retroactive Billing Worksheet to generate a worksheet for these retroactive bills.

You can choose to print just the billing worksheet or just supporting schedules, or both. You also have an option to use actual or target indirect rates in the report. For Time and Materials (T&M) projects, you can display the project labor category or employee ID/name, or both.

To see sample data, options, and columns printed on the billing worksheet, see the topics under Billing Worksheet Samples.

Note: This screen is only for printing the billing worksheet, and no data is stored in a report table. Data is gathered from several database tables and calculated in real time.