Work Centers Subtask

Use the Work Centers subtask to view additional details about the operation's work center.


Field Description

This field displays the part ID associated with the selected operation.


This field displays the revision of the part.

Routing Number

This field displays the routing number for the selected part.

Operation Sequence

This field displays the operation sequence number of the line being viewed.


This field displays the step number of the operation sequence line being viewed.

Alternate Operation

This field displays the alternate number of the operation sequence line being viewed.


This field displays the operation ID of the line being viewed.

Work Center

This field displays the work center ID of the operation sequence line being viewed.

Table Window

Field Description
Effective Date

This field displays the effective date of the rate and capacity information.

Weekly Gross Hours

This field displays the hours per week that this work center is available for production.


This field displays the efficiency percentage of operation at this work center.


This field displays a percentage that shows how often the work center operates during shifts.

Weekly Net Hours

This field displays the hours per week available at this work center.

Setup Labor Hourly Rate

This field displays the hourly labor rate for doing setups at this work center.

Run Labor Hourly Rate

This field displays the hourly labor rate for manufacturing in this work center.

Labor Burden Rate

This field displays the burden rate applied to labor dollars in this work center.

Weekly Shifts

This field displays the total number of daily shifts.

Sunday - Saturday Shift

These fields display the number of shifts for which this work center is used on a given day.


Subtask Description
Work Center Maintenance Click this link to open the Work Center Maintenance subtask, where you can view the type of maintenance and maintenance schedule for the work center.
Alternate Work Center Click this link to open the Alternate Work Center subtask, where you can view alternate work centers.
Work Center Notes Click this link to open the Work Center Notes subtask, where you can view notes particular to the work center.