Project Status Screen

This screen runs the supplemental report Project Status Report (PSR) in Costpoint Planning.


Field Description

This field displays the current date.


This is a required field.  Enter, or click to select a period end date.


Select the type of rate you want to display. Choose from the following options:

Field Description

Click this option to display the costs as target indirect rate costs, which is the default.


Click this option to display the actual costs.

Total Budget Type

Use the drop-down list to select the type of budget you want to display. Choose from the following options:

  • Budget : Select this option to display the latest budget information.
  • EAC: Select this option to display the latest EAC information.  
Note: EAC displays in the drop-down list only if an EAC exists for the project.


Field Description

Select one of the check box to combine all levels of report detail for viewing, printing or exporting.


Select this check box to display revenue as a line item in the report.

Project ID

Enter or click, to select the project ID.


After you select the Project ID and set other report options, click to execute and populate the grid.

To display lower level details, choose from the following links:

  • Header: Click this link to display project information for top level direct projects.
  • Summary Detail: Click this link to display summary project information  at the next level down.
  • Pending Charges Detail: Click this link to display project commitments details. After the table opens, a link for the next level down displays. Thereafter, each table you open includes a link to the next level down.
Field Description
Expand All

Click this button to expand grid information.

Collapse All

Click this button to collapse grid information.