Item Product Line Layout (PRD)

The Item Product (ITEM_PRODUCT) table stores information for selling items including the sales and shipping information that accompanies a billed item. 

The application cannot process Item Product Line Types unless the Item exists.

You can view or update the information stored in this table on the Manage Item Billings screen in Costpoint Product Definition.

Note: The application uses default values for INSERTS ONLY if the input file field value is not provided. The exception is MODIFIED_BY, which is updated using the default value if no value is provided.
Input File Field Costpoint Column Column Type and Max Length Starting/Ending Position Required Values, Defaults and Notes
Line Type Character 3 1 -3 Yes PRD is used to indicate Item Product information.
Item ID ITEM_ID Character 30 4 -33 Yes If an Item ID/Item Revision ID combination exists, the Item Product table is updated. If you did not select the Allow Multiple Revisions for Each Item check box on the Configure Product Definition Settings screen, the revision is not checked.

The fixed length file format accepts 30 characters while delimited file format accepts up to 50 characters.

Item Revision ID ITEM_ RVSN_ID Character 3 34 -36 No If an Item ID/Item Revision ID combination exists, the Item Product table is updated. If you did not select the Allow Multiple Revisions for Each Item check box on the Configure Product Definition Settings screen, the revision is not checked.

The default is a space.

The fixed length file format accepts 3 characters while delimited file format accepts up to 10 characters.

Certificate of Conformance Flag *CERT_OF_CONF_FL Character 1 37 No The value must be Y (Yes) or N (No). The default is N.
Defer Revenue Flag *DEFER_REV_FL Character 1 38 No The value must be Y (Yes) or N (No). The default is N.
Dimension Unit of Measure Code *DIMEN_UM_CD Character 3 39 - 41 No If provided, a value must exist in the UM table.
Installment Bill Flag *INSTALL_BILL_FL Character 1 42 No The value must be Y (Yes) or N (No). The default is N.
Model ID *MODEL_ID Character 30 43 -72 No The default is a space.
Item Sales Description *SALES_ ITEM_DESC Character 60 73 -132 No Default ITEM_DESC from ITEM table or item line.
Item Sales Notes *SALES_ITEM_NT Character 254 133 - 386 No The default is a space. Regardless of the file format, save a space if the file is space or blank.
Shipping Quantity *SHIPPING_QTY Decimal 14.4 (maximum input file length - 15) 387 - 401 No The default is 0. The input file format is 999999999999.99 (maximum 15 characters including the decimal point). The maximum value is 999999999999.99. No embedded commas are allowed.
Shipping Depth *SHIP_ DPTH_QTY Decimal 14.4 (maximum input file length - 15) 402 - 416 No The default is 0. The input file format is 999999999999.99 (maximum 15 characters including the decimal point). The maximum value is 999999999999.99. No embedded commas are allowed.
Shipping Height *SHIP_HGT_ QTY Decimal 14.4 (maximum input file length - 15) 417 - 431 No The default is 0. The input file format is 999999999999.99 (maximum 15 characters including the decimal point). The maximum value is 999999999999.99. No embedded commas are allowed.
Shipping Instructions *SHIP_INSTR_NT Character 254 432 - 685 No The default is a space.
Shipping Tolerance Percentage Rate *SHIP_TOL_PCT_RT Decimal 10.8 (maximum input file length - 11) 686 - 696 No The default is 0. The input file format is 999999999999.99 (maximum 15 characters including the decimal point). The maximum value is 999999999999.99. No embedded commas are allowed.
Shipping Width *SHIP_WDTH_QTY Decimal 14.4 (maximum input file length - 15) 697 - 711 No The default is 0. The input file format is 999999999999.99 (maximum 15 characters including the decimal point). The maximum value is 999999999999.99. No embedded commas are allowed.
Shipping Weight *SHIP_WGT_ QTY Decimal 14.4 (maximum input file length - 15) 712 - 726 No The default is 0. The input file format is 999999999999.99 (maximum 15 characters including the decimal point). The maximum value is 999999999999.99. No embedded commas are allowed.
Shipping Weight Unit of Measure Code *SHIP_WGT_UM_CD Character 3 727 - 729 No If provided, a value must exist in the Units of Measure table. 
Source Inspection Flag *SRCE_INSP_FL Character 1 730 No The value must be Y (Yes) or N (No). The default is N.
Sales Order Line Type Code *S_PROD_ LN_TYPE_CD Character 6 731 - 736 No The value can be DRP (Drop Shipment), INT (In Transit), INO (Invoice), INV (Inventory), or REC (Recurring). The default is N (None).
User ID last modified by *MODIFIED_BY Character 18 737 - 754 No The default is UPLOAD. If a value is not provided, the MODIFIED_BY column is updated using the current user ID as the default.
Component Processing COMP_PROC_FL Character 1 755 No The value must be Y (Yes) or N (No). The default is N.
Issue Component ISSUE_COMP_ FL Character 1 756 No The value must be Y (Yes) or N (No). The default is N.
MPS Planning Part *MPS Part ID Character 30 757 - 786 No Defaults to Item ID value if not applied. Must be a valid part/rev if not null. If you did not select the Allow Multiple Revisions for Each Item check box on the Configure Product Definition Settings screen, the revision is not checked.

The fixed length file format accepts 30 characters while delimited file format accepts up to 50 characters.

MPS Planning Part Rev *MPS PART RVSN Character 3 787 - 789 No Defaults to Item ID value if not applied. Must be a valid part/rev if not null. If you did not select the Allow Multiple Revisions for Each Item check box on the Configure Product Definition Settings screen, the revision is not checked.

The fixed length file format accepts 3 characters while delimited file format accepts up to 10 characters.

* Indicates columns that may be updated when changing an existing record with this preprocessor.