Update Billing History Summary

Once the General Ledger has been updated, Costpoint updates the Manage Billing History screen.

It uses this table to print the cumulative column on billings. The Calculate Standard Bills screen also uses this table to calculate potential over ceiling costs, fees, and total billings. The process updates this table at the project level where the transactions were originally posted. If you are initializing this screen and only want to print cumulative columns on the summary bills, you need to enter summary cumulative data only at the billing level.

  • Billed amounts are summed with previously billed amounts to arrive at Inception-to-Date (ITD) amounts billed.
  • Transactions are then summed by project/account/org to arrive at billed amounts at this level.
  • Burden amounts are stored by pool, and unit amounts are stored by CLIN and item.
  • Fourteen different transaction types update the Billing Summary table, as follows: Burden, Cost, Fee, Hours, Retainage, Units, Fee Over Ceiling, Cost Over Ceiling, Total Over Ceiling, Schedule, Fee on Labor, Cost of Money, Fee on Hours, and Tax.