Direct Project Cost Categories

This topic describes the information that displays in the detail tables of the Direct Project Cost Categories screen for the Budget report type.

Note: Negative variances display in favor of either actuals or budgets, depending on how Report Variances in Favor of is configured on the Display tab of Planning > Administration  > Administration Controls  > Configuration Settings. If configured in favor of Actuals and actual costs are higher than budgeted costs, the variance displays as negative. The opposite is true if budgeted costs are higher than actual costs, and the variance displays as positive. However, for either Budgets or Actuals, profit and revenue variances are always opposite to the cost calculation.

Top Level

This table displays summary budget information for top-level direct projects by element (for example, labor, materials, subcontractor, and so forth) for top level direct projects.

Column Headings Description
Project This column displays the Proj ID numbers that you are allowed to see based on the your security org ID.
Project Title This column displays the project title.
Manager The name displayed in this column derives from the Project Manager field in the Contract Master.
Start This column displays the project start date.
End This column displays the project end date.
Funding This column displays the funding amount.
ITD Var This column displays cost variance information from the date the project started to the current date.
Labor, Mtls, Sbks, MHOth, Trvl, ConsltHrs, and ODCOth The cost categories and associated amounts display within the table in the following order.
  • Labor
  • Mtls (Materials)
  • Sbks (Subcontractors)
  • MHOth (Material Handling Other)
  • Trvl (Travel)
  • ConsltHrs (Consultants)
  • ODCOth (Other Direct Costs)

Level Down

This table displays summary budget information by element (for example, labor, materials, subcontractor, and so forth) for level-down projects.

Column Headings Description
Project This column displays the Proj ID numbers that you are allowed to see based on the your security org ID.
Project Title This column displays the project title.
Manager The name displayed in this column derives from the Project Manager field in the Contract Master.
Start This column displays the project start date.
End This column displays the project end date.
Funding This column displays the funding amount.
ITD Var This column displays cost variance information from the date the project started to the current date.
Labor, Mtls, Sbks, MHOth, Trvl, ConsltHrs, and ODCOth The cost categories and associated amounts display within the table in the following order.
  • Labor
  • Mtls (Materials)
  • Sbks (Subcontractors)
  • MHOth (Material Handling Other)
  • Trvl (Travel)
  • ConsltHrs (Consultants)
  • ODCOth (Other Direct Costs)

Burdened Cost Breakdown Category Details

This table displays project actual burdened cost breakdown category details.

Column Headings Description
Project ID This column displays the Project ID of the cost category.
Category This column displays the name of the cost category.
ITD This column displays inception-to-date raw cost totals since the start of the project/task ID over time.
Commitments This column displays the raw costs of unposted timesheets and yet unfulfilled open purchase order amounts.
Month/Year This column starts with the most current closed period and then shows the past six periods of data.

Burdened Cost Breakdown Combined Details

This table displays project actual burdened cost breakdown details for all levels, including category, account, resource, and source.

Note: The fields described below also display in the individual burdened cost detail tables.  
Column Headings Description
Project ID This column displays the Project ID of the cost category.
Category This column displays the name of the cost category.
Account ID This column displays account ID of the cost category.
Account Name This column displays the account name of the cost category.
ID This column displays the resource ID for the cost category.
Name This column displays the resource name for the cost category.
Source This column displays the source for the cost category.
ITD This column displays inception-to-date raw cost totals since the start of the project/task ID over time.
Commitments This column displays the raw costs of unposted timesheets and yet unfulfilled open purchase order amounts.
Month/Year This column starts with the most current closed period and then shows the past six periods of data.

Burdened Cost Breakdown Account Details

This table displays actual burdened cost breakdown account details, a level below the category details.

Column Headings Description
Account ID This column displays account ID of the cost category.
Account Name This column displays the account name of the cost category.
ITD This column displays inception-to-date totals from the start of the project/task ID over time.
Commitments This column displays the raw costs of unposted timesheets and yet unfulfilled open purchase order amounts.
Month/Year This column starts with the most current closed period and then shows the past six periods of data. If you selected a timing option of Future, the next six periods display.

Burdened Cost Breakdown Resource Details

This table displays actual burdened cost breakdown resource details, a level below the account details.

Coumn Headings Description
ID This column displays the resource ID for the cost category.
Name This column displays the resource name for the cost category.
ITD This columns displays inception-to-date totals from the start of the project/task ID over time.
Commitments This column displays the raw costs of unposted timesheets and yet unfulfilled open purchase order amounts.
Month/Year This column starts with the most current closed period and then shows the past six periods of data.  If you selected a timing option of Future, the next six periods display.

Burdened Cost Breakdown Source Details

This table displays actual burdened cost breakdown source details, a level below the resource details and the lowest level of detail available.

Coumn Headings Description
Project ID This column displays the resource ID for the cost category.
Source This column displays the source (for example, Actual) for the cost category.
ITD This column displays inception-to-date totals from the start of the project/task ID over time.
Commitments This column displays the raw costs of unposted timesheets and yet unfulfilled open purchase order amounts.
Month/Year This column starts with the most current closed period and then shows the past six periods of data.  If you selected a timing option of Future, the next six periods display.