Sales Order Lines Subtask

Use this subtask to view detailed information for individual lines of a selected sales order including issues, shipping information, and invoices.


Field Description
Sales Order

This field displays the sales order ID for the selected line.


This field displays the status of the sales order.

Trans Currency

This field displays the transaction currency of the sales order line item.


These fields display the customer from the Manage Sales Orders screen.

Table Window

If you use Multicurrency, the applicable fields contain the prefix "Trans Currency" and the corresponding amounts display in the transaction currency value. If you do not use Multicurrency, Costpoint hides these fields.

Field Description

This field displays the sales order line number.


This field displays the sales order line type. Valid types are:

  • DRP (Drop Shipment)
  • INO (Invoice Only)
  • INT (In Transit)
  • INV (Inventory)
  • MSC (Miscellaneous)
  • REC (Recurring)

This field displays the Contract Line Item Number (CLIN) from the sales order.


This field displays the ID number of the item selected on the sales order.

Item Rev

This field displays the item's latest revision number.


This field displays the description of the item entered on the sales order.

Part Security

This field is visible only if the Use Part Data Security Controls check box is selected on the Configure Product Definition Settings screen, which indicates that the item is subject to data security restrictions, as defined in the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) or the Export Administration Regulations (EAR).

If enabled, this field displays one of the following values to indicate whether the item you are accessing is subject to part data security restrictions and whether you have the necessary authorization to access information for that item:

  • Unrestricted: The item is not subject to data security restrictions.
  • Restricted: The item is subject to data security restrictions and that you are authorized to access detailed part information.
  • ***UNAUTHORIZED***: The item is subject to data security restrictions and that you are not authorized to access or view part information. This value is displayed in red background color.

If you are unauthorized to access parts or revisions that are subject to data security restrictions, then you will not be able to create or edit SO lines for that restricted part/revision. In addition, you will not be able to view Line Documents, Substitute Parts, and Manufacturer/Vendor part information for those restricted items.

Note: The features in this release relating to Part Data Security are intended to assist your company in achieving ITAR compliance. However, it is each company’s responsibility to confirm that it is meeting its obligations with respect to ITAR or other applicable requirements. Deltek does not warrant that use of this functionality will result in compliance.
Misc Type

This field displays a miscellaneous charge type code for MSC (miscellaneous) sales order line types. Create and define these codes in the Manage Line Charge Types screen.

Sales U/M

This field displays the unit of measure for the item on the sales order line.

Due Date

This field displays the date by which the sales order line item has been promised to the customer.

Desired Date

This field displays the date by which the customer would like delivery of the sales order line item.

Ordered Qty (Sales U/M)

This field displays the number of items ordered on the sales order line.

Vol Discount Rate

This field displays the volume discount (if one is given), expressed as a percentage, from the item selected on the sales order line.

Gross Unit Price

This field displays the gross unit price from the sales order line in functional currency.

Net Unit Price

This field displays the net unit price (the difference between gross unit price and volume discount) of the item on the sales order line.

Ext Amount

This field displays the total extended amount (the product of quantity ordered and net unit price) of the sales order line.

Line Charges

This field displays the total amount of line charges, if any, for the item on the sales order line.

Sales Tax/VAT

This field displays the total sales tax/VAT amount (item and line charges) for the item on the sales order line.

SO Line Total

This field displays the total amount (the sum of extended amount, line charges, and sales tax) for the item on the sales order line.

Func Currency Gross Unit Price

This field displays the gross unit price in functional currency from the sales order line. Costpoint supports a maximum gross unit price of 99,999,999.9999. Negative unit costs are allowed.

Func Currency Net Unit Price

This field displays the net unit price of the item in functional currency from the Manage Sales Orders screen. You can modify this field in the main table window of the Manage Sales Order screen. This is the price of one unit of the item after any volume discounts have been applied. Costpoint derives the net unit price from the gross unit price and applicable volume discount percentage, if they have been entered.

Func Currency Line Charges

This field displays the total amount of line charges, if any, for the item on the sales order line in the functional currency. ou can maintain this information on the Line Charges subtask of the Manage Sales Order screen.

Func Currency Sales Tax/VAT

This field displays the sales tax/VAT amount in functional currency. This is calculated by Costpoint when the Taxable column is set to Y (Yes) on the Manage Sales Order screen. Costpoint calculates this value as the product of extended price amount and tax rate.

Func SO Line Total

This field displays the total amount of the sales order line item in the functional currency, and displays information from the Manage Sales Orders screen.

Req Id

This field displays a requisition number if a requisition has been created from this sales order line.


This field displays the quote number (with a maximum of 10 characters), if applicable, for the sales order line. Enter this value in the Customer Details tab of the Manage Sales Orders screen

Issued Qty (Sales U/M)

This field displays the number of items that have been issued from inventory to fill the sales order line.

Shipped Qty (Sales U/M)

This field displays the number of items that have been shipped to the customer.

Invoiced Qty (Sales U/M)

This field displays the number of items that have been invoiced.

Posted Qty (Sales U/M)

This field displays the amount posted to the Sales Order journal.

Issued Amt

This field displays the monetary amount of the items that have been issued from inventory to fill the sales order line.

Shipped Amt

This field displays the monetary amount of the items that have been shipped to the customer.

Invoiced Amt

This field displays the monetary amount of the items that have been invoiced.

Posted Amt

This field displays the amount posted to the Sales Order journal.

Trans Currency Net Unit Price

This field displays the net unit price of the item from the Manage Sales Orders screen. You can modify this field in the main table window of the Manage Sales Order screen. This is the price of one unit of the item after any volume discounts have been applied. Costpoint derives the net unit price from the gross unit price and applicable volume discount percentage, if they have been entered.

Trans Currency Ext Amount

This field displays the extended price amount. Costpoint calculates this amount as the product of trans currency net unit price and quantity ordered. If needed, you can create modifications on the Manage Sales Orders screen.

Trans Currency Line Charges

This field displays the cumulative price of the line charges of the sales order. You can maintain this information on the Line Charges subtask of the Manage Sales Order screen.

Trans Currency Sales Tax/VAT

This field displays the sales tax/VAT amount calculated by Costpoint when the Taxable column is set to Y (Yes) on the Manage Sales Order screen. Costpoint calculates this value as the product of extended price amount and tax rate.

Trans Currency SO Line Total

This field displays the total amount of the sales order line item in the specified transaction currency, and displays information from the Manage Sales Orders screen.

Trans Currency Gross

This field displays the gross unit price in transaction currency from the sales order line. Costpoint supports a maximum gross unit price of 99,999,999.9999. Negative unit costs are allowed.

Trans Currency Post Amt

This field displays the posted amount of the sales order line in transaction currency.

Trans Currency Issued Amt

This field displays the value of the issued quantities in the sales order line in transaction currency.

Trans Currency Shipped Amt

This field displays the value of the shipped quantities in the sales order line in transaction currency.

Source Insp Reqd

This field displays Y (Yes) or N (No) to indicate whether the customer inspects the item before shipment. You can establish the default value for this field on either the Manage Sales Order Catalog Defaults screen or the Project Unit Pricing subtask of Manage CLIN Information screen. The selected pricing project or catalog then provides the corresponding default, which can be modified.

Entry User

This field displays the user ID of the person who entered or last modified the sales order line information.


Subtask Description
Line Documents Click this link to open the Line Documents subtask.
Accounts Click this link to open the Accounts subtask. Use this button to view the sales order line's account information.
Sales History Click this link to open the Sales History subtask. Use this to view costs and sales information for each line on the sales order.
Currency Line Click this link to open the Currency Line subtask. Use this button to view the sales order line's transaction and functional currency information.