Compare COs Subtask

Use the Compare COs subtask to view and compare information for various change order (CO) lines.


Field Description

This field displays the purchase order ID.


This field displays the release number of the purchase order.

Change Order

This field displays the change order number.

Trans Currency

This field displays the transaction currency for this change order. The invoice for these materials will be in this transaction currency.


This field displays the purchase order line.

Current CO Line

This block displays information for the current change order line and has three tabs:

  • Line Detail: Use this tab to view details of the current CO line.
  • Other Info: Use this tab to view other information including the period of performance for the current CO line.
  • Cost Info: Use this tab to view cost information of the current CO line.

Old CO Line

Field Description
Change Order

This column displays the change order number.

Trans Currency

This column displays the transaction currency for this change order line.

Line Type

This column displays the line type. System-defined types are:

  • P: Part
  • G: Good
  • S: Service
  • M: Miscellaneous

This column displays the item ID.

Item Rev

This column displays the revision of the item.

Misc Type

This column displays the miscellaneous charge type of the item.


This column displays the description of the item.


This column displays the purchase order unit of measure for the item.

Order Quantity

This column displays the quantity ordered.

Gross Unit Cost

This column displays the item's gross unit cost. This is the cost of one unit of the item before any volume discounts are applied.

Volume Discount

This column displays the volume discount to be applied to the Gross Unit Cost of the item.

Net Unit Cost

This column displays the item's net unit cost after any volume discounts have been applied.

Extended Cost

This column displays the line's extended cost.

Line Charges

This column displays the line charges amount.

Sales Tax/VAT Amount

This column displays the sales or value added tax amount.

PO Line Total

This column displays the total line amount calculated by Costpoint. This is the Extended Cost amount plus the sum of any additional Line Charges and Sales Tax/VAT Amount.

Change from Previous Amt

This column displays the amount of change from the previous change order.

Order Date

This column displays the item's order date.

Due Date

This column displays the due date for the change order line.

Original Due Date

This column displays the original due date for the change order line.

Desired Date

This column displays the desired date for the change order line.

Ship ID

This column displays the ship ID.

Ship Via

This column displays the vendor's method of shipping.

Deliver To

This column displays the deliver to information.

Manufacturer Part

This column displays the manufacturer part number for the item.

Mfg Rev

This column displays the revision for the manufacturer part.

Vendor Part

This column displays the vendor part number for the item.

Vend Rev

This column displays the revision for the vendor part.


This column displays the requisition ID.

Order Reference

This column displays the order reference number.

Ord Ref Type

This column displays the order reference type.

Ord Ref Line

This column displays the order reference line number.

Order Ref Rlse

This column displays the order reference release number.


This column displays the Contract Line Item Number (CLIN).

Starting Date

This column displays the period of performance starting date.

Ending Date

This column displays the period of performance ending date.


Subtask Description
Action History Click this link to open the Action History subtask to display the history of any action change, along with communication notes.