Next Tab

Use this tab to customize the columns on your Print Project Budget Summary Report.

Select Columns

Use the fields in this group box to select the columns you would like to print on your report.

Baseline or Workplan Options

If you selected the Baseline or the Workplan check box on the Previous tab, use these selections to create the eight columns for your customized budget report.

Field Description
Column 1 - 8
  • Total Budget Amount: This option displays the total for this budget including profit and indirects.
  • Approved COs: This option displays only approved COs.
  • Pending COs: This option displays only pending COs.
  • Revised Budget with Approved COs: This option displays the total budget amount, net of any approved COs.
  • LREAC Amount: This option displays the Latest Revised Estimate at Completion (LREAC). The LREAC is the sum of ITD (actual Incurred to Date project costs) and the Estimate To Complete (ETC). The ETC is the project manager's estimate of amount needed to complete the project.
  • ETC Amount: This option displays the ETC amount for the project.
  • Percent Complete: This option displays the project's percent complete, based on the LREAC.
  • Actual Incurred Expenses (ITD): This option displays ITD costs for the project.
  • Budgeted Burden Amount: This option displays only the burden costs for the project.
  • Burdened Budget Amount: This option displays the project budget amount, including any burden amounts.
  • Profit Amount: This option displays the project's budgeted profit (Total Budget Amount minus LREAC).
  • Cost Budget Amount: This option displays the budget amounts from GLC and PLC average cost rate tables.
  • T&M/Price Amount: This option displays the budget Rate Type B from the Link Project Labor Category Rates to Projects screen (T&M/Billing rate). In addition, information is retrieved from the Unit Price Amount and CLIN tables.
  • Variance between last 2 columns: This option displays the second column to the left of the totals.

Baseline and Workplan Options

If you selected both the Baseline and the Workplan check boxes on the Previous tab, use these selections to create the eight columns for your customized budget report.

Field Description
Column 1 - 8
  • Baseline Budget Amount: This option displays the total for this baseline budget including profit and indirects.
  • Workplan Budget Amount: This option displays the total for this workplan budget including profit and indirects.
  • Baseline Budget w/o COs: This option displays the baseline budget without any COs.
  • Workplan Budget w/o COs: This option displays the workplan budget without any COs.
  • Approved COs: This option displays only approved COs.
  • Pending COs: This option displays only pending COs.
  • Revised Baseline with Approved COs: This option displays the total budget amount, net of any approved COs.
  • Revised Workplan with Approved COs: This option displays the total budget amount, net of any approved COs.
  • LREAC Baseline Amount: This option displays the Latest Revised Estimate at Completion (LREAC). The LREAC is the sum of ITD (actual Incurred to Date project costs) and the Estimate To Complete (ETC). The ETC is the project manager's estimate of amount needed to complete the project.
  • LREAC Workplan Amount: This option displays the Latest Revised Estimate at Completion (LREAC). The LREAC is the sum of ITD (actual Incurred to Date project costs) and the Estimate To Complete (ETC). The ETC is the project manager's estimate of amount needed to complete the project.
  • Baseline Actual Incurred Expenses (ITD): This option displays ITD costs for the project.
  • Workplan Actual Incurred Expenses (ITD): This option displays ITD costs for the project.
  • Variance between last 2 columns: This option displays the second column to the left of the totals.
  • ETC Baseline Amount: This option displays the ETC baseline amount for the project.
  • ETC Workplan Amount: This option displays the ETC workplan amount for the project.
  • Baseline Percent Complete: This option displays the project's baseline percent complete, based on the LREAC.
  • Workplan Percent Complete: This option displays the project's workplan percent complete, based on the LREAC.