Manage Multiplier Overrides

Use this screen to set multiplier override percentages for your project's direct costs.

This screen is available for all revenue and billing formulas. It is also available for overriding the multipliers in the billable value calculations.

Costpoint uses this multiplier percent in place of the percentage entered for this project on the Manage Revenue Information screen or the Manage Project Billing Information screen (both in this user flow) when computing billable value, revenue, and billings.

Use this screen for projects that have revenue/billing formulas that use multiplier rates for direct costs such as Rate Schedule times Multiplier plus Non-Labor times Multiplier, Contract Value Times % Complete vs. Rate Schedule, or Labor Cost Times Multiplier plus Non-Labor times Multiplier (Cost) or (Hours). You can also use this screen for any projects that must have a different multiplier for the billable value computation.

Project override calculations begin with the lowest level project and work to the highest level. The first multiplier override found is applied to that project level and all lower levels. Only one override can exist on each project level.

When setting up a project, use this screen to set up multiplier override percentages for direct costs. You can modify the multiplier at any time, but billable value, revenue, and/or billing must be recalculated to include the revised multiplier figure. Additional maintenance of the data on this screen is required only when changing a multiplier override percentage, or when a new one must be entered.

This screen is also available on the Manage Project User Flow: Mult Ovrd.