Manage Sales Order Inventory Issues

Use this screen to relieve materials from inventory and charge them to a sales order (SO).

Material issues create an inventory transaction, and decrement reserved inventory quantities for all inventory line items. The inventory transaction is posted to the general ledger through the Post Inventory Journal process.

You can also issue non-inventory line items through this screen. The cost-of-sales journal entries for non-inventory items are posted to the general ledger through the Post Sales Order Journal process, via either the Post Invoices or Post Component COGS Corrections posting option. The associated costs for drop-shipment, in-transit, recurring, and invoice-only items are derived from either a percentage of sales or from one of the cost types on the Manage Sales Order Cost Types screen. You must prioritize these cost types before entering material issues on this screen.

You must record issue transactions for inventory, drop-shipment, and in-transit items. You cannot modify inventory costs on this screen.

When creating sales order issues transactions, this application checks the owning organization setting on the Manage Sales Group Abbreviations screen for all project postings.

  • If the Use Project Owning Org check box is selected, Costpoint uses the owning organization associated with the Charge To Project in the appropriate transaction tables.  
  • If the Use Project Owning Org check box is cleared, Costpoint uses the sales group abbreviation organization.

In order to track serial/lot information on a given SO line, you must specify that the part requires SO configuration tracking on the Serial Lot Information tab of the Manage Parts screen. You must select either the Serial or the Lot check box or the inventory serial/lot flags to invoke tracking on this screen.

For drop-shipment component issues, if the absolute value of the sum of issued quantities (not yet invoiced, for all components) is greater than or equal to the component line order quantity, the SO line is ready for invoicing. For inventory and in transit components, this is determined upon shipping.

If you enter components for a SO line on the Manage Sales Orders screen and set the Issue Components field to Y (Yes) for that line, the components of that line display, rather than the SO line item itself.

Record issue transactions as soon as the material has been pulled from inventory, drop-shipped by the vendor, or passed in transit. SOs must have an approved status before you can record an issue. When you have recorded the issue transaction, Costpoint calculates the applicable cost of sales.