Manage Proposal Bills of Material

Use the Manage Proposal Bills of Material screen to manually create and maintain proposal bills of material (PBOM) records after you have established parts and provisional parts.

PBOMs consist of components and subassemblies for a specific proposal/revision and assembly combination. Unlike engineering bills of material (EBOMs) and manufacturing bills of material (MBOMs), PBOMs are not completely modular. Since all PBOM rows are linked to a specific proposal/revision combination, an assembly part can have multiple PBOMs.

You can assign specific work breakdown structure (WBS) elements to each BOM structure for additional sorting and rollup options. You can populate PBOMs with standard parts as assemblies or components, or use provisional parts. You can enter up to five quantity breakpoints for each proposal end item.


Although a proposal may include goods and services in addition to parts, the PBOM must include only standard and provisional parts.

You can copy PBOM information on the Copy Proposal Bills of Material screen, and you can replace or delete component information on the Apply Mass Component Changes to Proposal BOMs screen.