Input File

This section describes the details of the format for the input file rows.

Input File Excel Template

Go to the Developer Resources page of the Costpoint Information Center to download the Excel template file specifically designed for this preprocessor. Templates for other Costpoint preprocessors are also available at the same location.

Vendor Quote Header Input File Layout (QT_HDR)

Column Name Costpoint Table/Column Character Type Starting Position Ending Position Required/Optional Notes
Line Type VARCHAR, 1 1 1 Required Must be "H" (Header).
Quote QUOTE_ID VARCHAR, 10 2 11 Optional Required if you selected the Use Input File Values radio button.
Vendor VEND_ID VARCHAR, 12 12 23 Required Must exist in Maintain Vendors screen. Vendor Status cannot be On Hold.
Quote Type QT_TYPE_CD VARCHAR, 1 24 24 Optional Must exist in the Quote Types screen in Costpoint Procurement Planning. Otherwise, the default is null.
Buyer BUYER_ID VARCHAR, 12 25 36 Optional Must exist in the Buyers screen in Costpoint Purchasing. Otherwise, the default is null.
Expiration Date EXPIR_DT DATE, 10 37 46 Optional Must be in "YYYY-MM-DD" format. Otherwise, the default is null. See the Processing Details topic.
Expiration Days EXPIR_DAYS_NO INTEGER, 4 47 50 Optional Default is zero.
Quote Date QT_DT DATE, 10 51 60 Optional Must be in "YYYY-MM-DD" format. Otherwise, defaults to system date.
RFQ ORIG_RFQ_ID VARCHAR, 10 61 70 Optional Default is space.
Requisition ORIG_RQ_ID VARCHAR, 10 71 80 Optional Default is null.
Contact's First Name CNTACT_FIRST_NAME VARCHAR, 20 81 100 Optional Default is space.
Contact's Last Name CNTACT_LAST_NAME VARCHAR, 25 101 125 Optional Default is space.
Phone PHONE_ID VARCHAR, 15 126 140 Optional Default is space.
Fax FAX_ID VARCHAR, 15 141 155 Optional Default is space.
FOB FOB_FLD VARCHAR, 16 156 171 Optional Default from Vendor.
Terms TERMS_DC VARCHAR, 15 172 186 Optional Default from Vendor.
Ship Via SHIP_VIA_FLD VARCHAR, 15 187 201 Optional Default from Vendor.
Employee PURCH_EMPL_ID VARCHAR, 12 202 213 Optional Default is null.
Header Notes QT_HDR_ NOTES VARCHAR, 254 214 467 Optional Default is space.
Rate Group RATE_GRP_ID VARCHAR, 6 468 473 Optional
Transaction Currency TRN_CRNCY_CD VARCHAR, 3 474 476 Optional
Transaction Currency Date TRN_CRNCY_DT DATE 477 486 Optional Must be in YYYY-MM-DD format. Default is system date.
Subcontractor Agreement Flag VARCHAR, 1 1 N Optional
US Citizenship Required US_CITIZEN_FL VARCHAR, 1 Optional Applies only if PO Type is not A, K or L.  Else, Null.
ITAR Authorization Required ITAR_AUTH_FL VARCHAR, 1 Optional Applies only if PO Type is not A, K or L.  Else, Null.
Security Clearance System ID SEC_CLR_CD VARCHAR, 6 Optional Applies only if PO Type is not A, K or L.  Else, Null.
Issuing Agency AGENCY_NAME VARCHAR, 30 Optional Applies only if PO Type is not A, K or L.  Else, Null.

Vendor Quote Line Input File Layout (QT_LN, QT_LN_BRK, QT_LN_CHG)

One QT_LN will be written per vendor quote line input record. Depending on the contents of the input record, up to five Vendor Quote Line Break (QT_LN_BRK) rows and up to three Vendor Quote Line Charge (QT_LN_CHG) rows may also be written.

Column Name Costpoint Table/Column Character Type Starting Position Ending Position Required/Optional Notes
Line Type VARCHAR, 1 1 1 Required Must be "L" (Line).
Quote VARCHAR, 10 2 11 Optional Required if you selected the Use Input File Values option.
Vendor VARCHAR, 12 12 23 Required Required if you selected the Auto-Assign option.
Item QT_LN.ITEM_ID VARCHAR, 30 24 53 Optional Default is space.

For fixed length file format, limit to 30 characters. For delimited file format, increase field size to 50.

Item Revision QT_LN.ITEM_RVSN_ID VARCHAR, 3 54 56 Optional Default is space.

For fixed length file format, limit to 3 characters. For delimited file format, increase field size to 10.

Misc Line Type QT_LN.MISC_LN_CHG_TYPE VARCHAR, 6 57 62 Optional Line charge type code must exist in the PO Line Charge Types screen in Costpoint Purchasing. Default is null.
Unit of Measure QT_LN.QT_UM_CD VARCHAR, 3 63 65 Optional Defaults to the Item's default unit of measure code, or "EA" (Each) for miscellaneous line charge types.
Unit Cost QT_LN.TRN_DFLT_GR_UN_AMT and QT_LN.TRN_DFLT_NT_UN_AMT Number 15 (Decimal 14,4) 66 80 Required
Minimum Quantity QT_LN.MIN_ QTY and QT_LN_BRK. MIN_QTY (first break point) Number 15 (Decimal 14,4) 81 95 Optional Default is one.
Break Quantity 1 Lead Time QT_LN_BRK.LT_ DAYS_NO INTEGER, 4 96 99 Optional Default is zero.
Break Quantity 2 Cost QT_LN_BRK.TRN_NT_UN_CST_AMT and QT_LN_BRK.TRN_GR_UN_CST_AMT Number 15 (Decimal 14) 100 113 Optional
Break Quantity 2 QT_LN_BRK.MIN_ QTY Number 15 (Decimal 14) 114 127 Optional Required if Break Qty 2 Cost is loaded.
Break Quantity 2 Lead Time QT_LN_BRK.LT_ DAYS_NO INTEGER, 4 128 131 Optional Default is zero.
Break Quantity 3 Cost QT_LN_BRK.TRN_NT_UN_CST_AMT and QT_LN_BRK.TRN_GR_UN_CST_AMT Number 15 (Decimal 14) 132 145 Optional
Break Quantity 3 QT_LN_BRK.MIN_ QTY Number 15 (Decimal 14) 146 159 Optional Required if Break Qty 3 Cost is loaded.
Break Quantity 3 Lead Time QT_LN_BRK.LT_ DAYS_NO INTEGER, 4 160 163 Optional Default is zero.
Break Quantity 4 Cost QT_LN_BRK.TRN_NT_UN_CST_AMT and QT_LN_BRK.TRN_GR_UN_CST_AMT Number 15 (Decimal 14) 164 177 Optional
Break Quantity 4 QT_LN_BRK.MIN_ QTY Number 15 (Decimal 14) 178 191 Optional Required if Break Qty 4 Cost is loaded.
Break Quantity 4 Lead Time QT_LN_BRK.LT_ DAYS_NO INTEGER, 4 192 195 Optional Default is zero.
Break Quantity 5 Cost QT_LN_BRK.TRN_NT_UN_CST_AMT and QT_LN_BRK.TRN_GR_UN_CST_AMT Number 15 (Decimal 14) 196 209 Optional
Break Quantity 5 QT_LN_BRK.MIN_ QTY Number 15 (Decimal 14) 210 223 Optional Required if Break Qty 5 Cost is loaded.
Break Quantity 5 Lead Time QT_LN_BRK.LT_ DAYS_NO INTEGER, 4 224 227 Optional Default is zero.
Line Charge 1 Type QT_LN_CHG.LN_CHG_TYPE VARCHAR, 6 228 233 Optional Required if Line Charge 1 Cost is entered.
Line Charge 1 Cost QT_LN_CHG.TRN_QT_LN_CHG_AMT Number 15 (Decimal 14,4) 234 247 Optional Required if Line Charge 1 Type is entered.
Line Charge 2 Type QT_LN_CHG.LN_CHG_TYPE VARCHAR, 6 248 253 Optional Required if Line Charge 2 Cost is entered.
Line Charge 2 Cost QT_LN_CHG.TRN_QT_LN_CHG_AMT Number 15 (Decimal 14,4) 254 267 Optional Required if Line Charge 2 Type is entered.
Line Charge 3 Type QT_LN_CHG.LN_CHG_TYPE VARCHAR, 6 268 273 Optional Required if Line Charge 3 Cost is entered.
Line Charge 3 Cost QT_LN_CHG.TRN_QT_LN_CHG_AMT Number 15 (Decimal 14,4) 274 287 Optional Required if Line Charge 3 Type is entered.
Ship ID QT_LN.SHIP_ID VARCHAR, 20 288 307 Optional Defaults to the default Ship ID on the Configure Purchasing Settings screen in Costpoint Purchasing.
Manufacturer QT_LN.MANUF_ID VARCHAR, 10 308 317 Optional Defaults from Alternate Part for Item and Vendor ID.  Required if Manufacturer Part is entered.
Manufacturer Part QT_LN.MANUF_PART_ ID VARCHAR, 30 318 347 Optional Defaults from Alternate Part for Item and Vendor ID. Required if Manufacturer is entered.
Manufacturer Part Rev QT_LN.MANUF_PART_RVSN_FLD VARCHAR, 3 348 350 Optional Defaults from Alternate Part for Item and Vendor ID.
Vendor Part QT_LN.VEND_PART_ID VARCHAR, 30 351 380 Optional Defaults from Alternate Part for Item and Vendor ID.
Vendor Part Rev QT_LN.VEND_PART_RVSN_FLD VARCHAR, 3 381 383 Optional Defaults from Alternate Part for Item and Vendor ID.
Add Alternate Part VARCHAR, 1 384 384 Optional Default is "N."
Commodity QT_LN.COMM_CD VARCHAR, 8 385 392 Optional Defaults from Item's Commodity Code.
Project QT_LN.PROJ_ID VARCHAR, 30 393 422 Optional Default is null.
Line Notes QT_LN.QT_LN_NOTES VARCHAR, 254 423 676 Optional Default is space.
US Citizenship Required US_CITIZEN_FL VARCHAR, 1 Optional Applies only if PO type is not A, K or L.  Else, null.
ITAR Authorization Required ITAR_AUTH_FL VARCHAR, 1 Optional Applies only if PO type is not A, K or L.  Else, null.
Security Clearance System ID SEC_CLR_CD VARCHAR, 6 Optional Applies only if PO type is not A, K or L.  Else, null.
Issuing Agency AGENCY_NAME VARCHAR, 30 Optional Applies only if PO type is not A, K or L.  Else, null.

Vendor Quote Header SCI/SAP Security Codes

Ignore if Quote HDR Subcontractor Agreement Flag = N.

Name Number of Characters Starting Position Ending Position Required/Optional Format/Notes
Record Type Character (2) 1 2 Required (HC)
Quote ID Character (10) 3 12 Required
Code VARCHAR (6) 13 18 Required

Vendor Quote Header SOW

INCLUDE even if Quote HDR Subcontractor Agreement Flag = N.

Name Number of Characters Starting Position Ending Position Required/Optional Format/Notes
Record Type Character (2) 1 2 Required (HS)
Quote ID Character (10) 3 12 Required
SOW ID VARCHAR (50) 13 62 Required
SOW Rev VARCHAR (10) 63 72 Optional If value is not provided, assume it to be 'space'.

Quote Line SCI/SAP Security Codes

Ignore if Quote HDR Subcontractor Agreement Flag = N.

Name Number of Characters Starting Position Ending Position Required/Optional Format/Notes
Record Type Character (2) 1 2 Required (LC)
Quote ID Character (10) 3 12 Required
Code VARCHAR (6) 17 22 Required

Quote Line SOW

INCLUDE even if Quote HDR Subcontractor Agreement Flag = N.

Name Number of Characters Starting Position Ending Position Required/Optional Format/Notes
Record Type Character (2) 1 2 Required (LS)
Quote ID Character (10) 3 12 Required
SOW ID VARCHAR (50) 13 62 Required
SOW rev VARCHAR (10) 63 72 Optional If value is not provided, assume it to be 'space'.

Quote Line Resources

Ignore if Quote HDR Subcontractor Agreement Flag = N.

Name Number of Characters Starting Position Ending Position Required/Optional Format/Notes
Record Type Character (2) 1 2 Required (LS)
Quote ID Character (10) 3 12 Required
Resource Line Number VARCHAR (10) 13 22 Required
Resource Description VARCHAR (60) 23 82 Conditionally Required Required only if a valid Service ID/Rev is not provided.
Service ID VARCHAR (50) 83 132 Optional
Service Revision VARCHAR (10) 133 142 Optional
Number of Resources Number (10) 143 152 Optional
Total Hours Number 15 153 167 Optional (9999999999.9999)
Hourly Rate Number 15 168 182 Optional (9999999999.9999)
City VARCHAR (25) 183 207 Optional
State/Province VARCHAR (15) 208 222 Optional
Postal Code VARCHAR (10) 223 231 Optional
Country VARCHAR (8) 232 239 Optional

Quote Line Resource Vendor Employees

Ignore if Quote HDR Subcontractor Agreement Flag = N.

Name Number of Characters Starting Position Ending Position Required/Optional Format/Notes
Record Type Character (2) 1 2 Required (LV)
Quote ID Character (10) 3 12 Required
Resource Line Number VARCHAR (10) 13 22 Required
Vendor Employee ID VARCHAR (10) 23 32 Required

Quote Line Resource Breakpoint

Ignore if Quote HDR Subcontractor Agreement Flag = N.

Name Number of Characters Starting Position Ending Position Required/Optional Format/Notes
Record Type Character (2) 1 2 Required (LB)
Quote ID Character (10) 3 12 Required
Resource Line Number VARCHAR (10) 13 22 Required
Minimum Quantity Breakpoint Number (22) 23 44 Required
Transaction Net Unit Cost Amt Number (25) 45 69 Required
Number of Days Lead Time Number (5) 70 74 Optional