Contents of the Manage Security Groups Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Security Groups screen.


Field Description
Security Group

Enter a unique identification code for the security group.


Enter a description for the security group.

Issuing Agency

Enter the issuing agency for which the security group is created.

Security User-Defined Labels 1-5

Enter the value for the security user-defined fields 1-5, as defined on the Manage Security User-Defined Labels screen.


Select whether the security group is Active or Inactive. Changing this field from Active to Inactive automatically sets the part data security status to Inactive in the linked users, parts, and projects.

Activation Date

This displays the date when the security group is initially made active for Part Data Security, or subsequently changed from inactive to active.  

Deactivation Date

This displays the date when the security group is no longer active for part data security. This field is updated automatically with the current date when the Status field is made Inactive.


Subtask Description
Users Click this link to open the Users subtask for the security group.
Parts Click this link to open the Parts subtask for the security group.
Projects Click this link to open the Projects subtask for the security group.