Allocations Tab

Use the Allocations tab to enter inventory allocations information.

Inventory Allocations

Field Description
Allow Inventory Allocations

Select this checkbox to allow inventory to be allocated against reservations. If selected, the Tracking and Reservations group boxes become editable.


Field Description
Serial tracked parts

Select this checkbox to allow inventory allocations for serial tracked parts.

Lot tracked parts

Select this checkbox to allow inventory allocations for lot tracked parts.

Non-tracked parts

Select this checkbox to allow inventory allocations for non-tracked parts.


Field Description
Manufacturing Orders

Select this checkbox to allow inventory allocations to manufacturing order reservations.

Include Firm Planned MOs

Select this checkbox to allow inventory allocations to firm planned manufacturing order reservations.

Inventory Issues

Select this checkbox to allow inventory allocations to inventory issue reservations.

Include Issue Requests

Select this checkbox to allow inventory allocations to pending inventory issue reservations.

Sales Orders

Select this checkbox to allow inventory allocations to sales order reservations.

Purchase Orders

Select this checkbox to allow inventory allocations to purchase order reservations.

Inventory Transfers

Select this checkbox to allow inventory allocations to inventory transfer reservations.

Include Transfer Requests

Select this checkbox to allow inventory allocations to pending inventory transfer reservations.