Contents of the Configuration Settings Screen

Use the fields and options to manage configuration settings for Org and Project budgeting as well as other general settings, including those that control the display formats for dates and decimals.

This screen is accessible to Super Administrators only.

Note: To learn about all the settings in this screen, see the Costpoint Planning 8.1 Configuration Settings Worksheet.

Most of these settings are selected during the post-installation process for new installations. For new customers, the "Configuration Settings Worksheet" is also a companion guide to the Deltek Budgeting & Planning 8.1 Post Installation Configuration Guide.


Use this tab to enter, edit, or view settings for account mapping.


Use this tab to enter, edit or view display settings like date format, report precision and indicate other details to be displayed.


Use this tab to enter, edit or view general settings. You can set Planning to Update CER Reporting Tables for All Projects or Active Projects. This tab also displays if post-installation setup is completed. The General tab also provides the option to set the hourly rates to be used in budget calculations. From Hourly Rates to Use, choose from the  following:

  • None: Select this option if you do not want to use the hourly rates feature. The calculation is: Employee table ANNL_AMT / Planning Fiscal Year table WORK_YR_HRS_NO.
  • Annual Rates: Select this option to calculate the hourly rate based on the employee’s annual hours. Employee table ANNL_AMT / Employee table STD_EST_HRS.  
  • Period Rates: Select this option to calculate the hourly rates based on hours per period. (Employee table STD_EST_HRS / Planning table NO_OF_PD_IN_FY / Planning table TOT_PD_HRS) * (Employee table ANNL_AMT / Employee table STD_EST_HRS).


Use this tab to enter, edit or view integration settings like subperiod method, reorg structure, data reset, number of days to retrieve data, days to recalculate and vacation types. You can also use this tab to set the PSR subperiod display and PSR revenue option default.


Use this tab to enter, edit or view configuration settings for the organization like paid time off account,  holiday account, PTO calculation method, default PTO accrual rate and set other values related to Organization data. You can also use this tab to set the Org Budget Revenue calculation, set flags for defaults, update employee home org and update employee accrual rate.

Attention: See the “Org Budget Revenue Calculation” section of the Deltek Budgeting & Planning 8.0 Post Installation Configuration Settings Worksheet for important information about revenue calculation options. Also see the “Organization Settings” section of that guide for descriptions of each Org configuration setting, many of which directly affect revenue and labor calculations, such as for holiday and PTO.


Use this tab to enter, edit or view configuration settings for the project like budget period method, project account group code, workforce rule, labor escalation value, and more. You can also use this tab to set default to Import New Business Budgets from Excel Commit, Import Budgets/EAC from Excel Commit and Import Resource Budget Commit.

Note: The settings available to you in the Configuration Settings screen rarely need to be modified and should be changed only after careful consideration or upon the advice of a either a Customer Care representative or Deltek Global Services consultant.

If settings are updated, you need to either manually run the refresh process or complete the automatic nightly data refresh to apply the changes upon the next user log in.