Contents of the Mass Link Projects/Accounts/Organizations Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Mass Link Projects/Accounts/Organizations screen.


Field Description

Click to select a valid project. The unlabeled field to the right displays the description for the selected project.


This non-editable field displays the level number for the selected project.

Account Group

This non-editable field displays the account group assigned to the selected project.

Mass Link Proj/Acct/Org

All accounts that exist in the project's account group are displayed in the table window. Highlight the accounts you want to link with the selected project. To select more than one, use your mouse to highlight the rows. To select multiple rows that are not consecutive, press the SHIFT key on your keyboard while highlighting the additional rows.

Field Description

This non-editable field displays the account code for the selected project.

Account Name

This non-editable field displays the name of the account for the selected project.


When you initialize the screen, all organizations and names are loaded into the table window in this group box. If your company has more than 1,000 organizations, only the first 1,000 organizations are loaded.

Highlight the organizations you want to link with the selected project and account(s). To select more than one, use the mouse to highlight rows. To select multiple rows that are not consecutive, press SHIFT on your keyboard while highlighting the additional rows.

Field Description

This non-editable field displays the organization code for the selected project.

Organization Name

This non-editable field displays the name of the organization for the selected project.


After you have highlighted the accounts and organizations to be linked to the selected project, click this button to link those account(s) and organization(s) to the selected project.

During this process, your computer is unavailable for other tasks.

Note: This process can be time-consuming, so if you have selected a number of accounts and a number of organizations, do not be surprised if it takes a while to complete the linking process. Also, the Selected Account/Organizations table window can hold only 1,000 rows. If the number of account/organizations created for the selected project exceeds this, the program does not create project/account/organization links beyond that point.

Click this button to remove any highlighted rows from the Selected Account/Organizations table window.

Selected Account/Organizations

When you initialize the Mass Link Projects/Accounts/Organizations screen and select a project, all accounts and organizations linked to that project are loaded into this table window. This table window is updated and shows the linkages created when you click the Select button to link account(s) and organization(s) to a selected project.

Field Description
Account, Organization

These fields display the linked account and organization codes.


This check box is selected for each row, indicating that the status of the row is active, unless either the organization or the account is currently inactive.

Ref 1

If you are using reference numbers for data entry, you can use this field to attach valid reference 1 numbers to the account/organization combinations in the table for this project.

Ref 2

If you are using reference numbers for data entry, you can use this field to attach valid reference 2 numbers to the account/organization combinations in the table for this project.

Account Name

This field displays the name for the selected account.

Organization Name

This field displays the name for the selected organization.