Manage/Approve Expense Authorizations

If you are a supervisor, use the Manage/Approve Expense Authorizations screen to approve expense authorizations.

Display the Manage/Approve Expense Authorizations Screen

You access the Manage/Approve Expense Authorizations screen from the Time & Expense domain.

  1. Click Time & Expense > Expense > Expense Authorizations > Manage/Approve Expense Authorizations.

Contents of the Manage/Approve Expense Authorizations Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage/Approve Expense Authorizations screen.


Field Description
Filter By Use the options in this drop-down list to select parameters for displaying expense authorizations in the expense reports table on this screen. Choose from the following options:
  • Status - Select this option to display expense authorizations by status. These include Draft, Submitted, Approved, Rejected, and others.
  • Outstanding Tasks - Select this option to display expense authorizations that meet the criteria you specified in the Status section (for example, Approve, Review, Attached, and Record).


When you open Approve Expense Authorizations, the application by default displays all expense authorizations for the current year, and all groups for which you as supervisor are responsible, and all expense authorizations with a status of Submitted and Under Review. To narrow the list of employees down to certain groups, use the Select Employee Groups subtask.

Field Description
Function This field displays your functional role. If you have more than one functional role, you can use Query to look them up.
Group If All is selected, timesheets for all groups in your organization display. If you choose Selected, use the Select Employee Groups subtask to select the group.
Last Name If you need to review authorizations for a single employee, enter that employee's last name.
Authorization ID If you know the Authorization ID for the expense authorization you want to review, enter it here.
Type Enter the type of expense. When you enter the initial letters of the expense type, a drop-down list displays with matching results. You can also for additional expense types.
Start Date Enter the first day of the trip covered by the expense authorization.
End Date End the last day of the trip covered by the expense authorization.

Status Options

Field Description
Status The selections in this section enable when Status is selected from the Filter By drop-down list. The default selections, Submitted and Under Review, limit the display to submitted expense authorizations awaiting approval. You can also select fromDraft, Approved, Rejected, Processed, and Voided.

Task Type Options

Field Description
Task Type The selections in this section are enabled when Task Type is selected from the Filter By drop-down list. You can select from Approve Overall, Approve Charge, Approve Attachments, Review, Attach, and Record.
To include expense authorizations with optional tasks in the results set, select the Include Optional Tasks check box. To exclude expense authorizations that contain optional tasks, clear the check box.
Excluding optional tasks can significantly narrow the number of results returned and also improve system performance.


Field Description
Expense Authorization Status Totals After you specify your parameters and click , the updated totals for each expense authorization status category display here.

Select Employee Groups Subtask

This subtask table displays the employee groups. If you chose Selected from the Groups drop-down list, use this table to select the groups you want to include.

Field Description
Select A check mark indicates a row is selected and will be included when generating report results. Click the check box to select or clear a row.
Group This field displays the group category. If you do not see the group you want, use to search for it.

Manage Expense Authorization

To learn more about other sections of the form, see help for Manage Expense Authorizations.