Contents of the Manage Employee Project Manufacturing Status Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Employee Project Manufacturing Status screen.


Field Description

This field displays the ID of the employee to whom you want to assign project manufacturing data.

Employee Name

This field displays the employee name.

Employee Status

This field displays the employee status. The status descriptions are:

  • Active
  • Family Medical Leave
  • Inactive
  • Inactive Accruing Leave

Enter, or use to select, the plant where the employee will work.

Plant Name

This field displays the plant name where the employee will work.  

Shop Floor Time

Select this check box to indicate whether or not the employee is to enter time using Deltek Shop Floor Time. If you select this check box, the Export Project Manufacturing Data process will include this employee when exporting to Shop Floor Time.

 Shop Floor Time Entry Type

Select how an employee uses Shop Floor Time. Available options are:

  • Punched: Select this option to track an employee's time using time stamps to indicate when an employee starts and stops a job.
  • Exception: Select this option to track an employee's time on special cases such as vacation or illness.
  • Elapsed: Select this option to track an employee's work duration time, and start and stop time are not recorded.
  • Administrative: Select this option if an employee does not enter but reviews timesheet data or performs system management functions.
Shop Floor Time Badge Group

If applicable, enter the employee's badge group for accessing Shop Floor Time. For an employee to access Shop Floor Time using a badge, they need a badge ID in the applicable products. An employer may have duplicate badge IDs (for example, as a result of merging companies). A badge group is required to group the badge IDs.

Shop Floor Time Badge ID

If applicable, enter the employee's badge ID for Shop Floor Time.

Manufacturing Execution

Select this check box to indicate whether or not the employee will use Deltek Manufacturing Execution. If you select this check box, the Export Project Manufacturing Data process will include this employee when you export to Manufacturing Execution.

Manufacturing MO Clocking

Select this check box if the employee needs to clock in and clock out of Manufacturing Execution.

Login ID

If applicable, enter the employee's login ID for Shop Floor Time and/or Manufacturing Execution.