Revenue Greater than Zero, Less G&A

Use this calculation method to transfer the ITD WIP costs each month if the revenue for the project is greater than zero but exclude G&A pools.

The Create Cost of Goods Sold Entries screen sums YTD revenue from PROJ_SUM and prior year revenue from PSR_PY_SUM. If the total is greater than zero, it sums the YTD burden amounts, excluding all G&A pools, from PROJ_BURD_SUM and adds the direct costs from PROJ_SUM.  It then sums the prior year burden amounts from PSR_PY_BURD_SUM, excluding all G&A pools, and adds the direct costs from PSR_PY_SUM. (The calculation includes only function codes of LABOR (2), NON-LABOR (3), UNALLOW LABOR (11), UNALLOW NON-LABOR (12), and UNITS (13). You can select function codes on the Manage Project Account Groups screen.) This is the ITD Cost of Goods Sold amount. The application compares this amount to the balance in the account that has a function code of WIP TRANS OUT in the project’s account group. The difference is the amount to post.