Contents of the Manage MO Quality Control Inspection Results Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage MO Quality Control Inspection Results screen.


Field Description

Enter, or use to select, the warehouse ID of the manufacturing orders being QC inspected.

Default Quantity Completed with Accepted Quantity

Select this check box to load the accepted quantity as the default quantity completed on the routing line.

Display Only Open Operations in Routing Details

Select this check box to hide all completed operations for the selected MO.

Inspection Date

Enter the default inspection date to add to new MO routing inspection rows.


Enter, or use to select, the default inspector employee ID to add to new MO routing inspection rows.


This field displays the MO from the selected line in the table window.


This field displays the planner responsible for the MO.


This field displays the supervisor responsible for the MO.

Build Part

This field displays the part ID for which the MO was created. A description of the part displays below this field.

Rev This field displays the revision level of the part.
Description This field displays the description of the part.
Part Security

This field is visible only if the Use Part Data Security Controls check box is selected on the Configure Product Definition Settings screen, which indicates that the part is subject to data security restrictions, as defined in the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) or the Export Administration Regulations (EAR).

If enabled, this field displays one of the following values to indicate whether the part you are accessing is subject to part data security restrictions and whether you have the necessary authorization to access information for that part:

  • Unrestricted: The part is not subject to data security restrictions.
  • Restricted: The part is subject to data security restrictions and that you are authorized to access detailed part information.
  • ***UNAUTHORIZED***: The part is subject to data security restrictions and that you are not authorized to access or view part information. This value is displayed in red background color.
Note: The features in this release relating to Part Data Security are intended to assist your company in achieving ITAR compliance. However, it is each company’s responsibility to confirm that it is meeting its obligations with respect to ITAR or other applicable requirements. Deltek does not warrant that use of this functionality will result in compliance.
U/M This field displays the inventory unit of measure assigned to this part on the Manage Parts screen in Costpoint Product Definition.
Open MO Qty

This field displays the quantity of open MO operations. This field defaults from the Manage Manufacturing Orders screen.

Build-to Project

This field displays the project number to which the MO is assigned. This field defaults from the Enter/Manage Manufacturing Orders screen.

Table Window

Use to add a new line. Entering the MO ID in the table window defaults information for all applicable fields for that line. If you enter an MO and tab out, the system will load in the MO routing row with the lowest combination of Operation Sequence/Alternate Operation/Operation Step, and with a QC Step flag of Y and Operation Completion Date of null. This routings operation information, as it pertains to the MO, is defined on the Manage Manufacturing Orders screen; however, operation and work center information, as it pertains to routings, is maintained in Costpoint Routings.

Field Description

Enter, or use to select, the ID of the manufacturing order. Entering the MO ID will default information in the MO Status, Operation, and Work Center fields, as defined on the Manage Manufacturing Orders screen.

Planner Org

This field displays the planner organization authorized for the logged-in user ID.

Inspector This field displays the employee ID of the person responsible for inspection of this operation.
Inspection Date This field displays the date this inspection occurred.
Operation Sequence This field displays the operation sequence number of the routing step. This number is limited to four digits. If you have already entered the MO, you can enter the operation sequence; otherwise, the MO routing row will load as described in the Table Window section. If you use in this field, the operations whose QC Step is Y for the routing line on the Manage Manufacturing Orders screen display.
Alternate Operation

This field displays an alternate operation sequence if the Include Alternate Operations check box is selected in the Routings subtask of the Manage Manufacturing Orders screen. The default is zero for the main operation or new line. This number is greater than zero for an alternate operation.

Operation Step This field displays the step number of the routing operation. If you have already entered the MO, you can enter the operation sequence; otherwise, the MO routing row will load as described in the Table Window section above. If you use in this field, the operations whose QC Step is Y on the Manage Manufacturing Orders screen for the routing line display.
Operation This field displays the code of the labor operation being performed in this routing step.
Work Center This field displays the work center in which the labor operation is being performed.
Operation Completion Date

If this operation has been completed for this MO, the date it was completed displays. This field is modifiable.

Operation Open Qty

This field displays the open quantity for the operation. The operation open quantity is formulated as Build Qty (from Manage Manufacturing Orders screen) – Total Completed Qty.

Description This field displays the description of the operation.
QC Required

This field displays Y (Yes) if this is a QC operation that will require QC approval and N if it is not.

Note: You must enter the Completed Quantity either on this screen (when adding a new line) or the Manage MO Operation Completions screen before you can enter any accepted, rejected, or MRB quantities (if QC inspections are required for the MO routing line). If the Completed Quantity is greater than zero, the accepted, rejected, and/or MRB quantity must also have a value greater than zero before you can save the record.
Accepted Quantity This field displays the quantity of the part accepted by this inspection. This field is modifiable.
MRB Quantity This field displays the quantity of the part sent to MRB for further review by this inspection. This field is modifiable.
Completed Quantity

This field is unavailable in Change mode, when is used to load the table window with previously inspected rows. Otherwise, when adding a new line, enter the completed quantity for this operation.

Total Completed Qty This field displays the total quantity completed for the operation in the MO routing line.
Rejected Quantity This field displays the quantity of the part rejected by this inspection. This field is modifiable.
Total Accepted Quantity

This field displays the total quantity accepted for the MO routing line.

Total MRB Quantity This field displays the total quantities in the MRB type of locations for the component part/inventory abbreviation of the MO routing line.
Total Rejected Quantity

This field displays the total quantity rejected for the MO routing line.

Operation Due Date This field displays the due date of the operation.
MO Status This field displays the current status of the MO. Options are: Closed, Completed, Firm Planned, In-Shop, Planned, and Released. You cannot modify the status of the MO to Planned or Firm Planned if there have been material issues or units completed or timesheet activity against the MO.
MO Planned Completion Date

This field displays the date on which the MO is due to be completed.

MO Need Date This field displays the date on which the MO needs to be completed.
MO Order Date This field displays the date on which the MO was originally ordered.
Inspection Report

This field displays the ID of this inspection report.

Inspection Quantity This field displays the quantity (or sample size) inspected for this operation.
Rejection Reason

This field displays the rejection reason code associated with this inspection line. A rejection reason is required for rejected quantities greater than zero.

Rejection Disposition This field displays S (Scrap), R (Rework), U (Use as is), or H (Hold) to specify disposition of rejections. A rejection disposition is required for rejected quantities greater than zero.
AQL This field displays the Acceptance Quality Level (AQL) for the sample inspection size on this line.
Inspection Notes This field displays any notes associated with this inspection.


Subtask Description
Header Detail Click this link to view header information for the MO selected in the table window.
MO Text Click this link to view MO text for the MO selected in the table window.
Routings Click this link to view labor/subcontract routings for the MO operation selected in the table window.
Routing Header Notes Click this link to view the routing header notes for the MO operation selected in the table window.
MO Completions Click this link to view all MO completion transactions for the selected inspection line if shop floor control is required.
Subcontractor Reqs/POs Click this link to view any subcontractor requisitions and POs for the selected MO operation in the table window.
Documents Click this link to open the Documents subtask.
Part Documents Click this link to open the Part Documents subtask for the selected MO.