Manage MO Quality Control Inspection Results

Use the Manage MO Quality Control Inspection Results screen to record QC inspection results for MO routings.

When you enter an MO number, the system will default the first MO routing row that is flagged as a QC operation with Y in the QC Step field in the Routings subtask of the Manage Manufacturing Orders screen, when the accepted quantity is less than the MO order quantity. You can override operation and QC step information on this screen. With the operation information defaulted, you can enter the quantity inspected, accepted, rejected, inventory MRB, who completed it, and when the transaction took place. You can add, modify, or delete existing rows only in this screen. However, you cannot use , Clone, and Delete functions. Per the selections indicated for the , only those rows that belong to MOs with the same warehouse ID (if not null) display. Rows are sorted by MO, and then by operation information (sequence number, alternate operation, and step number), followed by transaction date.

Use this screen to enter and maintain record QC inspection results for MO routings lines that have been flagged with Y in the QC Step field in the Routings subtask of the Manage Manufacturing Orders screen.