Revenue Evaluation Info Tab

Use this tab of the Manage Revenue Evaluation Info and Disclosures screen to enter revenue evaluation and recognition information for the project.

You can also use this tab to specify notes regarding performance obligations and contract price determination for the project.

Revenue Evaluation Status

Field Description
Evaluated for Revenue Recognition

Select this check box to indicate that the revenue recognition method for the project has already been evaluated.

Evaluated By

Enter, or click to select, the employee ID of the employee who analyzed the revenue recognition method.

This field is required if you selected the Evaluated for Revenue Recognition check box.


Enter, or click to select, the date the revenue recognition method was evaluated.

This field is required if you selected the Evaluated for Revenue Recognition check box.


Enter, or click to select, the status of the revenue evaluation process for the project. The status code must already be established on the Manage Revenue Evaluation Status Codes screen before you can use it in this field. The field to the right displays the status description.

This field is required if you selected the Evaluated for Revenue Recognition check box.

Performance Obligations

Field Description

Enter notes relevant to the performance obligations for the project.

Determination of Contract Price

Field Description

Enter notes on how the total contract price was determined for the project.

Allocation of Contract Price to Performance Obligations

Field Description

Enter notes on how the total contract price was allocated to the performance obligations for the project.

Revenue Recognition

Field Description
Revenue Timing

Select from the drop-down list the timing of revenue recognition for this project. Valid options are:

  • None: Select this option if you do not want to assign the timing of revenue recognition.
  • Over Time: Select this option if you want revenue to be recognized over time, as the work is performed.
  • Point in Time: Select this option if you want revenue to be recognized at a specific point in time, when the customer assumes control of the item(s) in the contract.
  • Other: Select this option if the timing of revenue recognition does not fit either Over Time or Point in Time.
Performance Obligation Type

Enter, or click to select, the performance obligation type for the project. The performance obligation type code must already be established on the Manage Performance Obligation Type Codes screen before you can use it in this field.

Performance Obligation Desc

This field displays the performance obligation type description.

Other Info

Enter notes on other relevant revenue recognition details for the project.