Manage Revenue Evaluation Info and Disclosures

Use this screen to store information on revenue evaluation and disclosures for a project.

You can use this screen to track the progress of your contract evaluation for a particular project and also to document your decisions and disclosures related to how revenue is calculated when there are changes to revenue recognition as a result of the new revenue standard, ASC-606.


This screen has two tabs:

  • Revenue Evaluation Info: Use this tab to enter revenue evaluation and recognition information and specify notes regarding performance obligations and contract price determination for a project.
  • Disclosures: Use this tab to enter disclosure notes for a project.
Note: This screen is available only in the Production database (that is, if the Production option is selected on the Corporate Settings subtask of the Configure General Ledger Settings screen).

If you are licensed for the Deltek Costpoint to Content Management System Integration, you can attach documents to this screen.