Transaction Detail Subtask

Use this subtask to view detail for amounts charged by subperiod to the selected project/account line.

The subperiod, period, and fiscal year shown are from the selected line on the main screen. You must create the Project Labor Summary Report table before viewing this subtask.

Selection Criteria

Field Description
Rate Type

This non-editable field displays the rate type that was selected on the main screen.

Fiscal Year

This non-editable field displays the fiscal year that you entered when you created the project report table.


This non-editable field displays the period that you entered when you created the project report table.


This non-editable field displays the subperiod that you entered when you created the project report table.


This non-editable field displays a project number for the project. The project name displays in the field to the right.


This non-editable field displays the organization associated with the line selected on the main screen.


This non-editable field displays the account number associated with the line selected on the main screen.

Total YTD Amount

This field displays the total from the Amount column in the table window.

Transaction Detail Child

The table window displays detailed amounts (and hours, if applicable) charged to the project/account for the line you selected in the previous subtask. This information is displayed for the subperiod you selected on the main screen. If you used the Vendor Labor subtask of the Manage Accounts Payable Vouchers screen or the Vendor Labor subtask of the Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screen to record vendor hours, they are reflected in these amounts. Total amounts incurred in the current year for the selected project/account are displayed at the bottom.

Field Description

This non-editable field displays the period number in which the transaction was posted.


This non-editable field displays the subperiod in which the transaction was posted.


This non-editable field displays the name of the account that was charged for this transaction.

Transaction Description

This non-editable field displays the transaction description.


This non-editable field displays the amount of the transaction.


This non-editable field displays the journal source for this transaction.

Voucher No

This non-editable field displays the voucher number for transactions that were posted using the Manage Accounts Payable Vouchers screen or the Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screen.

PO Number

This non-editable field displays the purchase order number for transactions that were posted using the Manage Purchase Order Vouchers screen.

JE Number

This non-editable field displays the journal entry number for transactions that were posted using the Manage Journal Entries screen.

Check Number

This non-editable field displays the check number for transactions that were posted using the Post Cash Disbursements screen.

Cash Receipt No

This non-editable field displays the cash receipt number for transactions that were posted using the Post Cash Receipts screen.

Posting User

This non-editable field displays the ID of the user that posted the transaction.

Entry User

This non-editable field displays the user ID of the user that entered the transaction.

Ref 1

This non-editable field displays the reference 1 that was used on the transaction.

Ref 2

This non-editable field displays the reference 2 that was used on the transaction.

Transaction Comments

This non-editable field displays any transaction comments that were entered with the transaction.