RFID Print File Format

You can use the Create RFID Print File screen export radio frequency identification (RFID) information into a tilde-delimited text file.

The RFID print file contains one row for each RFID. Costpoint sorts the rows by sales order, packing slip number, RFID pack layer, and RFID.

You can import this print file to third-party software to produce the following:

  • RFID tags
  • MIL-STD-129P military shipment labels (MSL)
  • Exterior labels
Note: As noted in the table below, some Costpoint fields use different format or field length than the requirement for MSL. The third-party printing software you use should be able to reformat or truncate these fields as necessary.

File Layout

Col. Field Name Type Length Source MSL Notes
1 Sales Order Alphanumeric 10 SHIP_TRN_RFID.SO_ID
2 Packing Slip Number Alphanumeric 15 SHIP_TRN_RFID.PS_ID
3 Contract Number Alphanumeric 20 SO_HDR.PRIME_CONTR_ID
4 Order Number Alphanumeric 30 SO_HDR.EXT_CUST_PO_ID
5 Shipment Number Alphanumeric 8 SHIP_TRN.SHIPMENT_NO_ID
 (Transportation Control Number) Alphanumeric 20 SHIP_TRN.TCN_ID MSL allows 17 characters.

This is the single standard shipment identification number for all DoD-sponsored movements; such as, material and equipment, and all vendor shipping transactions involving DoD materials.

7 Container Type Alphanumeric 50 SHIP_TRN.CONTAINER_TYPE
8 Container Number Code Alphanumeric 50 SHIP_TRN.CONTAINER_NO MSL allows 5 characters.
9 Mode/Method Code Alphanumeric 1 SHIP_TRN.SHIP_MODE_CD
10 Type Service Alphanumeric 30 SHIP_MODE.SHIP_MODE_DESC

Description that corresponds to SHIP_MODE.SHIP_MODE_CD associated with the method of shipment

MSL allows 10 characters.

In-the-clear text (for example, Frt LTL, Air Expss, Expss Mail, TGBL UB, DPM HHG) for the type of transportation service to the Ship To address.

11 Bill of Lading Alphanumeric 20 SHIP_TRN.BILL_OF_LADING_ID
12 Call Number Alphanumeric 6 SHIP_TRN.CALL_NO_ID
13 Consolidated Shipment ID Alphanumeric 20 SHIP_TRN.CONS_SHIP_NO_ID
14 Date Shipped Date 10 SHIP_TRN.SHIP_DT
15 RDD
 (Required Delivery Date) Integer 3 SO_LN.DUE_DT MSL requires this in Julian calendar format (DDD).

This is the date specified on the sales order when materiel is required by the requisitioner or the consignee.

16 Total Pieces Decimal 14,4 SHIP_TRN.BOXES_QTY MSL allows 4 characters.

This is the total number of pieces documented by the TCN for the shipment unit.

Do not zero fill.

17 Weight
 (lbs) Decimal 14,4 SHIP_TRN.SHIP_WGT_QTY MSL allows 5 characters, rounded to the next whole digit. Allows optional metric unit of value for generic cargo. The default is pounds.

Do not zero fill.

18 Cube
 (ft) Decimal 14,4 SHIP_TRN.SHIP_VOL_QTY MSL allows 4 characters, rounded to the next whole digit.

Do not zero fill.

19 RFID Pack Layer 1 Alphanumeric 64 SHIP_TRN_RFID.RFID_CD1 This is the RFID for the innermost layer. MSL allows up to 5 layers.

This is the unique number written to the RFID tag, in hexadecimal format. It is the same number that must be communicated in an Advance Shipping Notice (ASN) via iRAPT.

20 RFID Container Type for Pack Layer 1 Integer 1 SHIP_TRN_RFID.S_RFID_CONT_TYPE1 Should print value:
  • 1 = Pallet
  • 2 = Case
  • 3 = UID Item
21 RFID Pack Layer 2 Alphanumeric 64 SHIP_TRN_RFID.RFID_CD2 This is the RFID for the second layer.
22 RFID Container Type for Pack Layer 2 Integer 1 SHIP_TRN_RFID.S_RFID_CONT_TYPE2 Should print value:
  • 1 = Pallet
  • 2 = Case
  • 3 = UID Item
23 RFID Pack Layer 3 Alphanumeric 64 SHIP_TRN_RFID.RFID_CD3 This is the RFID for the third layer.
24 RFID Container Type for Pack Layer 3 Integer 1 SHIP_TRN_RFID.S_RFID_CONT_TYPE3 Should print value:
  • 1 = Pallet
  • 2 = Case
  • 3 = UID Item
25 RFID Pack Layer 4 Alphanumeric 64 SHIP_TRN_RFID.RFID_CD4 This is the RFID for the fourth layer.
26 RFID Container Type for Pack Layer 4 Integer 1 SHIP_TRN_RFID.S_RFID_CONT_TYPE4 Should print value:
  • 1 = Pallet
  • 2 = Case
  • 3 = UID Item
27 RFID Pack Layer 5 Alphanumeric 64 SHIP_TRN_RFID.RFID_CD5 This is the RFID for the fifth layer.
28 RFID Container Type for Pack Layer 5 Integer 1 SHIP_TRN_RFID.S_RFID_CONT_TYPE5 Should print value:
  • 1 = Pallet
  • 2 = Case
  • 3 = UID Item
29 Ship From – Address Code Alphanumeric 6 SHIP_TRN.SHIP_FROM_ADDR_CD Ship From location code defined by an industry standard, or mutually defined.
30 Ship From – Address Line 1 Alphanumeric 40 CONTR_ADDR.LN_1_ADR
 for matching CONTR_ADDR_CD MLS allows up to three lines of up to 35 characters each for the From Address.

Use the third-party printing software to format your Ship From fields so that the necessary information fits within these lines.

Consignor (shipper). Party who ships materiel and whose name and address appear in the FROM block of the shipping label.

31 Ship From – Address Line 2 Alphanumeric 40 CONTR_ADDR.LN_2_ADR
 for matching CONTR_ADDR_CD
32 Ship From – Address Line 3 Alphanumeric 40 CONTR_ADDR.LN_3_ADR
 for matching CONTR_ADDR_CD
33 Ship From - City Alphanumeric 25 CONTR_ADDR.CITY_NAME
 for matching CONTR_ADDR_CD
34 Ship From – State Alphanumeric 15 CONTR_ADDR.MAIL_STATE_DC
 for matching CONTR_ADDR_CD
35 Ship From – Zip Alphanumeric 10 CONTR_ADDR.POSTAL_CD
 for matching CONTR_ADDR_CD
36 Ship From – Country Alphanumeric 8 CONTR_ADDR.COUNTRY_CD
 for matching CONTR_ADDR_CD
37 Ship To – Address Code Alphanumeric 20 SHIP_TRN.SHIP_ID Ship To location code defined by an industry standard, or mutually defined.
38 Ship To – Address Line 1 Alphanumeric 40 SHIP_ID.LN_1_ADDR MLS allows up to five lines for the Ship To Address. The first four lines of up to 35 characters each are used for ship-to info. The fifth line is reserved for FMS, DVD/DLA, and foreign address info.

Use the third-party printing software to format your Ship To fields so that the necessary information fits within these lines.

39 Ship To – Address Line 2 Alphanumeric 40 SHIP_ID.LN_2_ADDR
40 Ship To – Address Line 3 Alphanumeric 40 SHIP_ID.LN_3_ADDR
41 Ship To - City Alphanumeric 25 SHIP_ID.CITY_NAME
42 Ship To – State Alphanumeric 15 SHIP_ID.MAIL_STATE_DC
43 Ship To – Zip Alphanumeric 10 SHIP_ID.POSTAL_CD
44 Ship To – Country Alphanumeric 8 SHIP_ID.COUNTRY_CD
45 Mark For – Address Code Alphanumeric 10 SO_HDR.MARK_FOR_ADDR_DC Ship For location code defined by an industry standard, or mutually defined.
46 Mark For – Address Line 1 Alphanumeric 40 CUST_ADDR.LN_1_ADDR MLS allows up to five lines for the Consignee Address. The first four lines of up to 35 characters each are used for the consignee address info. The fifth line is reserved for DVD/DLA and foreign address info.

Use the third-party printing software to format your Mark For fields so that the necessary information fits within these lines.

Consignee (receiver). Party to whom materiel is shipped and whose name and address appear in the "ULTIMATE CONSIGNEE OR MARK FOR" block of the shipping label.

47 Mark For – Address Line 2 Alphanumeric 40 CUST_ADDR.LN_2_ADDR
48 Mark For – Address Line 3 Alphanumeric 40 CUST_ADDR.LN_3_ADDR
49 Mark For – City Alphanumeric 25 CUST_ADDR.CITY_NAME
50 Mark For – State Alphanumeric 15 CUST_ADDR.MAIL_STATE_DC
51 Mark For – Zip Alphanumeric 10 CUST_ADDR.POSTAL_CD
52 Mark For – Country Alphanumeric 8 CUST_ADDR.COUNTRY_CD
53 Part Alphanumeric 30 SO_ISSUE_LN.ITEM_ID
 associated with the shipment Part number assigned by manufacturer or supplier.
54 Rev Alphanumeric 3 SO_ISSUE_LN.ITEM_RVSN_ID
 associated with the shipment
55 Part Description Alphanumeric 60 SO_ISSUE_LN.SO_ISSUE_LN_DESC
 associated with the shipment
56 NSN Alphanumeric 20 SO_LN.NSN_ID
 from SO line associated with the shipment MSL allows 15 characters.

National/NATO Stock Number (NSN), or stock identification elements thereof.

57 CAGE Alphanumeric 5 SO_HDR.CONTR_CAGE_ID
 from the SO header associated with the shipment The manufacturer's Commercial and Government Entity Code for the identified item.
58 Quantity Decimal 14,4 SHIP_TRN_RFID.RFID_QTY MSL allows 5 numeric characters.
59 U/M Alphanumeric 3 SO_ISSUE_LN.UM_CD MSL allows 2 characters.
60 CLIN Alphanumeric 10 SO_ISSUE_LN.CLIN_ID
61 Unit Price Decimal 14,4 SO_LN.TRN_NT_UNIT_PR_AMT MSL allows 5,2 plus currency code (for example, 12345.90USD).
62 Serial Number Alphanumeric 20 SERIAL_LOT.SERIAL_ID
 for row with UID_CD matching that of
 SHIP_TRN_RFID.UID_CD Leave blank if UID is not available.
63 Lot Number Alphanumeric 20 SERIAL_LOT.LOT_ID
 for row with UID_CD matching that of
 SHIP_TRN_RFID.UID_CD MSL allows up to 25 characters.

Leave blank if UID is not available.