Fringe Information Subtask

Use the Fringe Information subtask to select fringe information such as fringe code, charge project, organization level, accrual and expense account, fringe calculation method, and fringe modify code.

Use this subtask as part of your initial setup or whenever you need to create a new union profile.

Table Window

Field Description
Fringe Code

Enter, or click to select, the fringe code you want to use for this union profile. The fringe code selected here must be entered on the Manage Union Profiles screen.

Fringe Description

The fringe description defaults into this field when you enter the fringe code.

Fringe Type

From this drop-down list, select one of the following options:

  • Cash: Select this option to have this fringe automatically generated on the timesheet line (Timesheet type C only).
  • Non-Cash: Select this option to have this fringe directly posted.
  • Stamps: Select this option if the cost of this fringe is to be allocated through the use of stamps.
Note: If you are not licensed for Payroll, this drop-down will be disabled and automatically set to Cash since non-cash fringes and stamps are processed by Costpoint Payroll.
Timesheet Line Selection Method

Select the method that will be used to determine which timesheet lines will be selected for union fringe generation.

If the Fringe Type is Cash, the following applications will use this setting and the fringe modify code (if applicable) to determine the timesheet lines for which the cash fringe will be calculated:
  • Manage Timesheets
  • Manage Correcting Timesheets
  • Import Timesheets, Import Timesheets from Deltek Time Expense
  • Apply Timesheet Adjustments in Batch Mode
  • Create Retroactive Timesheet Adjustments

If the Fringe Type is Non-Cash or Stamp, the Compute Payroll process will use this setting and the fringe modify code (if applicable) to determine the timesheet lines for which the non-cash or stamp fringe will be calculated.

The available options are:

  • Timesheet Lines with Projects: Select this option if the union fringe should be calculated only based on timesheet lines that have a project.
  • Timesheet Lines with Union Profile Projects: Select this option if the union fringe should be calculated only based on timesheet lines with a project that's linked to the union profile in the Project Information subtask.
  • All Timesheet Lines: Select this option if the union fringe should be based on all timesheet lines, whether it's charged to a project or not. If this option is selected, you will not be able to set the Project Source to Timesheet Line Project.
Regardless of the option selected, you may still use a Fringe Modify Code to exclude specific pay types.
Fringe Modify Code

Enter, or click to select, the fringe modify code to be used for this fringe code. You can use a fringe modify code to modify the base used to calculate a deduction, contribution, stamp, or hours applicable to the fringe code.

Calculation Method

Enter, or click to select, the calculation to be used for this fringe code. Select one of the following options:

Calculation Method Fringe Type Calculation
Note: PCTREG cannot be used for stamp fringes.
Cash fringes and non-cash fringes
  • Regular Pay Types: Timesheet Line Labor Cost x Fringe Percentage
Note: PCTGRS cannot be used for stamp fringes.
Cash fringes and non-cash fringes
  • Regular Pay Types: Timesheet Line Labor Cost x Fringe Percentage
  • Overtime Pay Types: Timesheet Line Labor Cost x Fringe Percentage
GRSHRW Cash fringes and non-cash fringes
  • Regular Pay Types: Regular Hours x Fringe Amount
  • Overtime Pay Types: Overtime Hours x Fringe Amount
Stamp fringes
  • Regular Pay Types: Regular Hours x Stamp Basis
  • Overtime Pay Types: Overtime Hours x Stamp Basis
GRSHRP Cash fringes and non-cash fringes:
  • Regular Pay Types: Regular Hours x Regular Pay Type Factor x Fringe Amount
  • Overtime Pay Types: Overtime Hours x Overtime Pay Type Factor x Fringe Amount
Stamp fringes
  • Regular Pay Types: Regular Hours x Regular Pay Type Factor x Stamp Basis
  • Overtime Pay Types: Overtime Hours x Overtime Pay Type Factor x Stamp Basis

(Regular Hours + (Overtime Hours x 2)) x Fringe Amount

Cash fringes and non-cash fringes
  • Regular Pay Types: Regular Hours x Fringe Amount
  • Overtime Pay Types: (Overtime Hours x 2) x Fringe Amount
Stamp fringes
  • Regular Pay Types: Regular Hours x Stamp Basis
  • Overtime Pay Types: (Overtime Hours x 2) x Stamp Basis

(Regular Hours + (Overtime Hours x 2)) (rounded to whole number) x Amount

Cash fringes and non-cash fringes
  • Regular Pay Types: Regular Hours (Rounded to whole number) x Fringe Amount
  • Overtime Pay Types: (Overtime Hours x 2 (Rounded to whole number) ) x Fringe Amount
Stamp fringes
  • Regular Pay Types: Regular Hours (Rounded to whole number) x Stamp Basis
  • Overtime Pay Types: (Overtime Hours x 2 (Rounded to whole number) ) x Stamp Basis

Amount per eligible timesheet line

Cash fringes and non-cash fringes
  • Regular Pay Types: Fringe Amount
  • Overtime Pay Types: Fringe Amount

If the Fringe Type is Stamps, the method must be set to GRSHRW, GRSHRP, GRSHRD, or GRSHRR and the stamp basis will be used, rather than the fringe amount. PCTREG, PCTGRS, and FIXAMT cannot be used for stamps.


Enter the percentage to be used for calculation of this fringe code. This field will only be enabled if the Fringe Type is Cash or Non-Cash and the calculation method is set to one of the following:


If the Fringe Type is Cash, the percentage will be used when calculating the union cash fringe in timesheet applications. If the Fringe Type is Non-Cash, the percentage will be used when the Compute Payroll process calculates the union non-cash fringe.

This field will be disabled and set to 0.0000% if the Fringe Type is Stamps; and if the Non-Cash calculation method is not PCTREG or PCTGRS.


Enter the amount to be used for calculation of this fringe code. This field will only be enabled if the Fringe Type is Cash or Non-Cash and the Calculation Method is set to one of the following:

If the Fringe Type is Cash, the amount will be used when calculating the union cash fringe in timesheet applications. If the Fringe Type is Non-Cash, the amount will be used when Compute Payroll calculates the union non-cash fringe.

This field will be disabled and set to 0.0000 if the Fringe Type is Stamps.

Stamp Basis

Enter the amount to be used for calculation of this union stamp fringe. This field will only be enabled if the Fringe Type is Stamps.

The stamp basis will be used when Compute Payroll calculates the union stamp fringe.

This field will be disabled and set to 0.00 if the Fringe Type is Stamps.

Pay Period Ceiling Amount

Enter the ceiling amount to be used for this fringe code per pay period. The value entered here establishes the maximum non-cash amount for the union non-cash fringe. If the Apply union non-cash fringe ceilings by local checkbox is selected on the Configure Labor Settings screen, this field is set to zero and disabled because the ceilings set up on the Manage Fringe Ceilings by Local screen, rather than the ceilings on the Manage Union Profiles screen, are applied to non-cash and stamp fringes. The field is also disabled if the Fringe Type is set to Cash or Stamps.

Contract Ceiling Amount Enter the ceiling amount to be used for this fringe code. The value entered here establishes the maximum non-cash fringe amount for the contract. If the Apply union non-cash fringe ceilings by local checkbox is selected on the Configure Labor Settings screen, this field is set to zero and disabled because the ceilings set up on the Manage Fringe Ceilings by Local screen, rather than the ceilings on the Manage Union Profiles screen, are applied to non-cash and stamp fringes. The field is also disabled if the Fringe Type is set to Cash or Stamps.
Direct Charge

Select this checkbox to have the fringe expense charged to a project. This checkbox will be checked and disabled if the Direct charge union fringes checkbox is selected in the Labor Options tab on the Configure Labor Settings screen.

If you select the Direct Charge checkbox, the following will occur:

  • The Project Source drop-down box will be enabled and required
  • The Expense Account will require a project-required account
  • When fringes are generated in the timesheet applications or in the Compute Payroll process, the fringe will be expensed to:
    • Either the specified charge project or the timesheet line project, depending on the Project Source setting
    • The expense account
    • The specified source organization
If you do not select the Direct Charge checkbox, the following will occur:
  • The Project Source drop-down box will be disabled and set to Not Applicable
  • The Expense Account will require a non-project-required account
  • When fringes are generated in the timesheet applications or in the Compute Payroll process, the fringe will be expensed to:
    • The expense account
    • The specified source organization
Project Source

From the drop-down list, select source of the project that will be used for the union fringe posting. Valid options are:

  • Charge Project: Select this option if you'd like to specify the project to which cash fringe expense and non-cash fringe expenses and accruals will be posted. If this option is selected, the Charge Project field will become enabled and required.
  • Timesheet Line Project: Select this option if you'd like cash fringe expenses and non-cash fringe expenses and accruals to be posted to the timesheet line project.
  • Not Applicable: The Project Source field will be disabled and default to Not Applicable if the Direct Charge checkbox is not selected.

The project will be used as follows:

  • Cash Fringes: The specified project will be used when union cash fringe timesheet lines are generated in timesheet applications. The value will then be used by the Post Labor Distribution to post the union cash fringe expense.
  • Non-Cash Fringes: Compute Payroll will use the specified project to populate the Fringe Detail subtask in the Manage Payroll Records screen. The Post Payroll Journal process will then post the union non-cash fringe expense to the project.
  • Stamp Fringes: Stamp fringes are not posted, therefore the Fringe Project is not used for stamps.

This drop-down box is only available if the Direct Charge checkbox is selected.

Charge Project

Enter, or click to select, the project to which this fringe will be charged. This field is only available if the Project Source is set to Charge Project.

If this is a cash fringe and the Project Source is set to Charge Project, the specified Charge Project will be used to populate the timesheet line when union cash fringes are generated in timesheets.

If this is a non-cash fringe and the Project Source is set to Charge Project, this project will be used to post the expense when the non-cash fringe is posted on the Post Payroll Journal application.

Organization Source

From the drop-down list, select the organization to which the fringe will be posted. Valid options are:

  • Charge Organization: Select this option if you'd like to specify the organization to which cash fringe expense and non-cash fringe expenses and accruals will be posted. If this option is selected, the Charge Organization field will become enabled and required.
  • Home Organization: Select this option if you'd like cash fringe expenses and non-cash fringe expenses and accruals to be posted to the employee's home organization. If selected, the Manage Employee Salary Information-Home Organization assigned to the employee as of the timesheet date will be used. If this option is selected, the Charge Organization field will become cleared and disabled.
  • Project Owning Organization: Select this option if you'd like cash fringe expenses and non-cash fringe expenses and accruals to be posted to the project's owning organization. If selected, the owning organization assigned to the timesheet line project on the Manage Project User Flow screen will be used. If this option is selected, the Charge Organization field will become cleared and disabled.
  • Not Applicable: Do not select this for cash or non-cash fringes. If you are entering a stamp fringe, this drop-down box will automatically be disabled and set to Not Applicable.
The organization will be used as follows:
  • Cash Fringes: The specified organization will be used when union cash fringe timesheet lines are generated. If the Post employer payroll expenses at balance sheet level checkbox is selected in Configure Payroll Settings screen, the balance sheet level of the organization will be used to generate the fringe timesheet line. The value will then be used by the Post Labor Distribution process to post the union cash fringe expense.
  • Non-Cash Fringes: Compute Payroll will use the specified organization to populate the Fringe Detail subtask on the Manage Payroll Records screen. The Post Payroll Journal process will then post the union non-cash fringe expense to the organization. If the Post employer payroll expenses at balance sheet level checkbox is selected on the Configure Payroll Settings screen, the Post Payroll Journal process will post the union non-cash fringe expense to the balance sheet level of the specified organization. The union non-cash fringe accrual will be posted to the specified organization.
  • Stamp Fringes: Stamp fringes are not posted, therefore the fringe organization is not used for stamps.
Note: If the Post employer payroll expenses at balance sheet level checkbox is selected on Configure Payroll Settings screen, the fringe expense will be posted to the balance sheet level of the specified organization. An organization's balance sheet level is specified on the Manage Organization Structures screen.
Charge Organization

Enter, or click to select, the organization to which this fringe will be charged. This field is only available if the Organization Source is set to Charge Organization.

If this is a cash fringe and the Organization Source is set to Charge Organization, this organization will be used to populate the timesheet line when union cash fringes are generated in timesheets.

If this is a non-cash fringe and the Organization Source is set to Charge Organization, this organization will be used to post the accrual and expense when the non-cash fringe is posted in the Post Payroll Journal process.

Accrual Account

Enter, or click to select, the accrual account to be used for posting this fringe. The account must be set up on the Manage Accounts screen. This field is only required if the Fringe Type is Non-Cash.

When the union non-cash fringe is posted in the Post Payroll Journal process, this account will be used for posting the non-cash fringe accrual to the General Ledger.

Expense Account

Enter, or click to select, the expense account the Post Payroll Journal process will use when posting the fringe expense.

If the fringe code's Direct Charge checkbox is not selected, the account specified in this field must be set up as follows on the Manage Accounts screen:
  • The Detail checkbox must be selected .
  • The Project Required checkbox must not be selected.
  • The Active checkbox must be selected .

If the fringe code's Direct Charge checkbox is selected, the account specified in this field must be set up as follows on the Manage Accounts screen:

  • The Detail checkbox must be selected.
  • The Project Required checkbox must be selected.
  • The Active checkbox must be selected.
This field is available and required if the Fringe Type is Cash or Non-Cash

The Expense Account will be used as follows:

  • Cash Fringes: The specified expense account will be used to charge union cash fringes. The value will then be used by the Post Labor Distribution process to post the union cash fringe expense.
  • Non-Cash Fringes: The Compute Payroll process will use the expense account to populate the Fringe Detail subtask on the Manage Payroll Records screen. The Post Payroll Journal process will then post the union non-cash fringe expense to that account.
  • Stamp Fringes: Stamp fringes are not posted. Therefore, the expense account is not used for stamps.
Pay Type

Enter, or click to select, the pay type to be used for this fringe code. This field is required only if you selected Cash in the Fringe Type column.