Contents of the Print Sales Order Pick Lists Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Print Sales Order Pick Lists screen.

Selection Ranges

Use this group box to create a selection criteria for sales orders to be included in the pick list printout. From the unlabeled drop-down list in the upper left corner of this group box, select a category for generating pick lists. Valid options are:

  • Catalog
  • Customer
  • Project
  • Sales Order

Once you select the category from this drop-down list, use the Option drop-down list to indicate which pick lists print for the Catalog, Customer, Project, or Sales Order range.

Note: If you select the Sales Order option, only pick lists for open and approved sales orders print. Similarly, only O (Open) sales order lines print on pick lists.
Field Description

Use this drop-down list to select the range for generating pick lists based on the category you selected. Valid options are:

  • All
  • One
  • Range
  • From Beginning
  • To End

Enter, or click to select, a single value/ID or the beginning value/ID for the range. You can only use this field if you select One, Range, or To End from the Option drop-down list.


Enter, or click to select, the ending value/ID for the range. You can only use this field if you selected Range or From Beginning from the Range Option drop-down list.

Non Contiguous Ranges

Select this check box to list multiple non-contiguous ranges of catalogs, customers, projects, or sales orders on the corresponding subtasks on this screen.


Field Description
Range Option

Use this drop-down list to enter or select the range option of warehouses to search for the pick lists. Valid options are All, One, Range, From Beginning, and To End. The default for this field is All.


Enter, or use to select, a single warehouse ID or the beginning warehouse ID for the range. This field is available if you selected One, > Range, or To End from the Range Option drop-down list.


Enter, or use to select, the ending warehouse ID for the range. This field is available if you selected Range or From Beginning from the Range Option drop-down list.

Non Contiguous Ranges

Select this check box to list multiple non-contiguous ranges of warehouses on the corresponding subtask on this screen.

Sort By

Field Description
1st Sort

Select an option from this drop-down list to define the primary basis for sorting the pick lists. Valid options are:

  • SO Line Number: This is the default setting. It sorts the pick list items by sales order line number. When you select this option, the printout lists one SO at a time. Within each SO, the SO lines list in ascending line number order. For each line number, non-zero on hand and shipping locations list by ascending alphanumeric order of location ID (if available).
  • Item: This selection sorts the pick list items by item and item revision. When you select this option, the printout lists one SO at a time. Within each SO, rows list based on ascending order of part/rev. For each part/rev, non-zero on hand and shipping locations list by ascending alphanumeric order of location ID (if available).
  • Preferred Location: Select this option to determine, through the following process, the primary location of the part:
    • Costpoint looks for the preferred location for the part project that matches that of the part reservation's inventory abbreviation code, and a warehouse matching that of the part project's preferred warehouse.
    • If no match is found above, the row does not exist, or the preferred location quantity is zero, the part's default location is used (if the part's default warehouse matches that of the reservation).
    • If no match is found above, the value is null, or the default location quantity is zero, the first inventory location for the part/warehouse with a location quantity greater than zero (and a location type On Hand or Shipping) is used, based on ascending alphanumeric order of the location ID for the reservation warehouse.
    • If no location with a quantity greater than zero and location type of On Hand or Shipping is found for the reservation line, the line prints at the end of the report, listed by ascending line number order.

The secondary sort is by sales order line number.

The report prints one sales order at a time. Within each sales order, applicable primary locations (as determined above) are listed in ascending alphanumeric order of location ID. All parts with the same primary location are grouped together. Within each primary location, the SO lines print in ascending SO line number order. For each SO line number, the primary location row is listed first, then other non-zero On Hand and Shipping locations are included by ascending alphanumeric order of location ID.


Date Selection

Field Description
Due Date

Select this option to select sales order items by the due date entered for the sales order line.

Ship By Date

Select this option to select sales order items by the ship-by date entered for the sales order line.

Cutoff Date

Enter a cutoff date to determine the last available due date or ship-by date to include on the pick lists.

Items to Include

Field Description

Select this check box to print sales order INV (Inventory) line types.


Select this check box to print sales order INT (In Transit) line types.

Drop Ship

Select this check box to print sales order DRP (Dropshipment) line types.

Invoice Only

Select this check box to print sales order INO (Invoice Only) line types.

Print Options

Field Description
Print Pick List by Ship To Address

Select this check box to print a separate pick list for unique ship to address codes.

Include Previously Printed Pick Lists

Select this check box to include previously printed pick lists in this print run that are within the selection criteria. When the order is reprinted, the word DUPLICATE prints on the pick list.

Print Serial/Lot

Select this check box to print serial/lot information on the pick list.


Subtask Description
Catalog Non-Contiguous Ranges Click this link to access the Catalog Non-Contiguous Ranges subtask.
Customer Non-Contiguous Ranges Click this link to access the Customer Non-Contiguous Ranges subtask.
Project Non-Contiguous Ranges Click this link to access the Project Non-Contiguous Ranges subtask.
Sales Order Non-Contiguous Ranges Click this link to access the Sales Order Non-Contiguous Ranges subtask.
Warehouse Non-Contiguous Ranges Click this link to access the Warehouse Non-Contiguous Ranges subtask.