Print Sales Order Pick Lists

Use this screen to print pick lists for any sales order with pending material to be issued.

You can select pick lists (or pick tickets) by catalog, customer, project, and sales Order. You can then sort the lists by SO Line number, item or by preferred location. You can also pick material by item due date or ship by date.

The pick lists display the stock locations where the items can be found. The list also provides additional space for stockroom personnel to indicate the locations, quantities, pick dates, and material handler IDs of the items pulled. For each line, the basic part description prints as the pick list item description, and the SO line type prints below the Part/Description row on the report for non-inventory line types. Previously printed pick lists display the note DUPLICATE at the top.

Components print for component level issues. If components are to be processed and issued, the SO line's components are included on the pick list. Inventory information for INV type components displays similar to regular SO lines.

Print pick lists any time after order entry and approval.