Supplier Portal Dashboard

Use this screen/dashboard to see a snapshot of and/or update information regarding purchase orders (PO) issued by buyers to suppliers, as well as streamline communications between purchasing departments and their suppliers, vendors, and subcontractors.

The Supplier Portal dashboard has dashparts that will give suppliers and buyers a view of POs that require actions, as well as upcoming, late, or cancelled orders. From the dashparts, suppliers can click the PO hyperlink to access particular PO/PO line/delivery schedule line, and take the necessary action. Actions taken by suppliers are saved in a log to help trace the history of actions and notes entered, if needed.

Note: This screen is available only to users who are licensed for Supplier Portal.

Use the Manage Dashparts dialog box to configure what you want to view on a dashboard. Access the dialog box by clicking the Manage Dashparts link available on the upper-right corner of the dashboard.

Global Settings

Use the Global Settings to access the Select Dashboard Options in order to filter dashboard data based on the vendor email address.

Field Description
Vendor Contact Email

Enter, or click to select, the email address of the contact person for a specified vendor.


The dashboard will only include information on POs (PO/delivery schedule lines) with buyers' organization ID authorized for the user, which is based on the organization security profile linked to the organization security group associated with the logged-in user ID. Once authorization has been established, the dashboard will display all PO lines regardless of rights to projects and organization permission at the Account distribution level. The data that displays on the individual dashparts depends on the purchase orders' vendor ID and should match the vendor ID on the company that the user is logged into.