Line Text Subtask

Use this subtask to assign established standard text codes to this purchase order line.

The associated text prints at the line level of this purchase order.

Use this subtask at any time to assign standard text codes to this purchase order line.


Field Description
PO, Rel, PO Amount, Line, Description, Qty Ordered, PO U/M, Trans Amt Ordered

These fields display the values from the main screen.

Table Window

Field Description

This field displays the sequence number to indicate the order in which to print the selected standard text on the purchase order form. The sequence numbers range from 0 to 999 but need not be ordered sequentially. Costpoint sequences the numbers when you save.

Text Source

This field displays the text source. The values are:

  • Item
  • Project
Text Code

This field displays the text code associated with this purchase order line. Establish text codes on the Manage Standard Text screen.


This field displays the revision of the standard text code.


This field displays the text code description.

Doc Print Option

This field displays the document print option assigned to the selected text code:

  • B: Both. Text prints on internal reports and purchase orders.
  • I: Internal. Text prints on internal reports only.
  • E: External. Text prints on purchase orders only.
Text Active

If selected, this check box indicates that the standard text code/revision combination is currently active.