Contents of the Manage Shipping Transactions Screen

Use the fields and options to configure the Manage Shipping Transactions screen.


Field Description
Packing Slip No

If you select the System option in the Packing Slip group box on the Configure Sales Order Entry Settings screen, leave this field blank. Costpoint assigns the next packing slip number.

If you select the System option and manually assign a packing slip number, this does not update Last System Packing Slip Number on the Configure Sales Order Entry Settings screen.

If you select the Manual option, you can enter a packing slip number of up to 15 alphanumeric characters. You cannot enter spaces in the packing slip number.

If you select the Packing Slip and Invoice Number Combined check box on the Configure Sales Order Entry Settings screen, Cost point assigns the packing slip number you enter here, or number auto-assigned by the system, as the invoice number. This enforces a one-to-one relationship between shipping transactions and their invoices.


Enter, or click to select, the sales order number associated with the shipping transaction.

Ship ID

Enter, or click to select, the shipping ID code of the address where items are shipped. The default ship ID loads from the Manage Sales Orders screen.

Customer, Customer Name, Customer PO, Mod No

These fields display from the Manage Sales Orders screen.

Trans Date

Enter the date when this shipping transaction was recorded. The system date defaults in this field.


This field is not used.

Material Handler

Enter, or use to select, the material handler performing this transaction. A valid employee ID is required.


This field displays the sales order transaction currency.

Ship Status

Use this group box to select the status of the shipment. You cannot change the status from Shipped to Pending or On Hold if an invoice already exists for the shipment, or if any of the associated issue transactions contain component correction lines posted with the Post Component COGS Corrections option on the Post Sales Order Journal screen.

Field Description

Select this option to record the shipping transaction with a pending status. Costpoint does not include pending shipping transactions in the invoice creation process.

Hold Shipment

Select this option to record the shipping transaction with a hold status. Costpoint does not include on hold shipping transactions in the invoice creation process.


Select this option to record that the shipping transaction has occurred. The system date defaults in the Ship Date field when you select this option. Costpoint includes shipped transactions in the invoice creation process.

Ship Date

This field displays the system date when you select Shipped option.

Load Issues

Click this button to load issues associated with the sales order and ship ID that you enter.

Table Window

The table window displays the issue transactions for the selected sales order.

Field Description
Include on Shipment

This check box indicates whether the issue is excluded from the shipment. Select this check box if you want the issue transaction to be included on the shipment. Each issue defaults with this check box as not selected.

You cannot clear this check box (or remove an issue from the shipment) if an invoice already exists for the shipment, or if any of the associated issue transactions contain component correction lines posted via the Post Component COGS Corrections option on the Post Sales Order Journal screen.


This field displays the issue number.


This field displays the warehouse ID associated with each of the issue transactions.

Issue Date

This field displays the issue date for the issue transaction.


Subtask Description
RFID Details Click this link to access the RFID Details subtask.
PS Std Text Click this link to access the Packing Slip Standard Text subtask.
SO Header Documents Click this link to access the SO Header Documents subtask.
iRAPT Click this link to access the iRAPT subtask.
Issue Detail Click this link to access the Issue Detail subtask.
Line Documents Click this link to access the Line Documents subtask.