Manage Shipping Transactions

Use this screen to ship sales order items after recording issue transactions for sales order inventory lines and in-transit line items.

You can also record shipping transactions for drop-shipment (DRP) line items.

You must enter one shipping transaction for each ship-to address code on the issue. You can include multiple issue transactions for each shipment. You can enter all relevant shipping data, including freight charges, bill of lading, shipment number, weight, and volume. You must ship items to make them available for invoice creation.

For inventory (INV) and in-transit (INT) component issues, if the absolute value of the sum of issued quantities (not yet invoiced, for all components) is greater than or equal to the component line order quantity, the SO line is ready for invoicing. For drop-shipment (DRP) components, this is determined upon issue.

You cannot delete a shipping transaction if an invoice already exists for the shipment, or if any of the associated issue transactions contain component correction lines posted with the Post Component COGS Corrections option on the Post Sales Order Journal screen.

Customer information is available on the Maintain Customer screen.

This screen contains four tabs:

  • Shipping Information: Use this tab to enter and view general information related to the shipping transaction.
  • Customs Information: Use this tab to view information entered on the Customs Information subtask on the Manage Sales Orders screen.
  • Ship To Address: Use this tab to view information associated with the ship ID for the shipping transaction.
  • Notes: Use this tab to enter notes for this shipping transaction.