Create Request for Quotes for Proposals

Use the Create Request for Quotes for Proposals screen to generate requests for quotes for items linked to proposals.

On the Manage Proposal BOM Cost Estimates - Indented, Manage Proposal BOM Cost Estimates - Summarized, and Select Request for Quotes from Proposals screens, you can select the items and vendors (that is, item/vendor combination or request for quote (RFQ) rows) from which RFQs are generated.

This process selects those item/vendor combination rows, groups the selected rows by proposal, vendor, and buyer, and creates the RFQ record and its lines.

At the end of the process, the program generates a report that lists the RFQs that were generated. You can then print the RFQs from the Print Request for Quotes screen.

The settings in each group box are inclusive of the other settings in this screen. For example in the Selection Ranges group box, if you select a range of proposal IDs and then select only one vendor, if that vendor ID is not assigned to an RFQ line for the given proposal range, Costpoint displays a message that no rows are found for processing. Similarly, you can process only one RFQ line for a range of proposals by selecting the item and vendor in their respective group boxes.

Before using this screen, select and save item/vendor rows for RFQs on the Manage Proposal BOM Cost Estimates - Indented, Manage Proposal BOM Cost Estimates - Summarized, and Select Request for Quotes from Proposals screens. Then run Compute Proposal Item Costs. This ensures that the costing information is up-to-date and accurate.


Before running the application, use Preview icon on the toolbar to view the result.