Reverse ACRN Allocation Amounts

If a standard bill must be reversed and ACRN allocation amounts were associated with the standard bill, complete the steps detailed below.

To reverse ACRN allocation amount(s):

  1. Reverse the standard bill using the Reverse Previous Bills screen.
     If you are unfamiliar with the Reverse Previous Bills functionality, contact Costpoint General Phone support for questions or assistance.
  2. Verify the standard bill reversed with the correct invoice amount on the Manage Standard Bills screen.
    When you view the standard bill on the Manage Standard Bills screen, the Status field displays REVERSE and the Amount field displays the inverse amount of the original invoice amount.
  3. Calculate ACRN Billings for the project.
  4. Verify the ACRN allocation amount(s) reversed correctly using the Manage ACRN Bills screen or the Print ACRN Billing Edit Report screen.
  5. Post the standard bill.