Weekly Details Subtask

Use this subtask to view details of the week's load for the key resource and week displayed on the main screen's overcapacity action message.

Note: When you click the Weekly Details link on the main screen, one of a number of different subtasks displays depending on the Message and Supply Type settings of the selected line on the main screen.

This screen displays all the independent demand that contributes to the load calculated by the Create/Update Rough-Cut Capacity Plan process.

The "Overcapacity" action message is the only action message generated by the Create/Update Rough-Cut Capacity Plan process.


Field Description

This field displays the ID for the part on the selected action message on the main screen.


This field displays the part revision number.


This field displays the part description.


This field displays the part's default or inventory unit of measure.

Week Ending Date

This field displays the date of the last day of the weekly period identified to be over capacity. The last day of the week is defined on the Configure MRP Report Print Options screen.

Key Resource

This field displays the identifier for the key resource (typically equipment, personnel, work center, or vendor) for the selected action message. The name of the key resource displays to the right of this field.


This field displays the key resource's unit of measure, such as hours, as specified on the Manage Key Resources screen.

Weekly Capacity

This field displays the capacity, in the key resource's unit of measure, of the key resource during the current production week. For example, the weekly capacity could be 30 hours per week. Capacity is specified by date on the Manage Key Resources screen.

Total Demand

This field displays the total demand for the week, in the key resource's unit of measure.

Total Load %

This field displays the total demand for the week divided by the capacity. Any value over 100% triggers an overcapacity message.

Weekly Capacity Requirements

Field Description
Due Date

This field displays the due date of the independent demand record driving the key resource load requirement for this row. Due to lead time offsets, this due date is not necessarily within the displayed period.


This field displays the end item part number of the independent demand record driving the key resource load requirement for this row.


This field displays the end item part revision of the independent demand record driving the key resource load requirement for this row.


This field displays the description of the end item part of the independent demand record driving the key resource load requirement for this row.

Demand Type

This field displays the independent demand type:

  • Sales Order
  • Reservation
  • Forecast

This field displays the demand for the week from this independent demand record, in the key resource's unit of measure.


This field displays the sales order or reservation number of the independent demand record.

Inv Abbrev

This field displays the inventory abbreviation code specified on the independent demand record.

Inventory Abbreviation Name

This field displays the name of the inventory abbreviation specified on the independent demand record.


This field displays the ID of the inventory project associated with the independent demand inventory abbreviation.

Project Name

This field displays the name of the project associated with the independent demand inventory abbreviation.